Clones going outside

I am wondering how to cover or light/sun deprive them outdoors. Could I for example place plywood or something exactly where it would fully block the sun at say 6 in the evening, or do I slowly deprive more and more as the weeks go on?
Do you want the girls to flower now or later in the season like August/September?

If you want them to flower now, they most likely will if you move them outside because the hours of light outdoors is probably less than what you are giving them indoors. However there is a chance that they might re-veg and not finish flowering as the daylight hours keep increasing during this time of year. In this case, as others have mentioned, you must find some way to keep the daylight hours around 12 hours. You can use a blackout curtain or attempt to "ghetto rig something" (some people throw trash bags over their plants) just know that some things, like the trashbags, carry risks of mold.
Thanks for the info High Haze. Even though my plants have been indoors since I have had them, they have not been under grow lights, they have been in front of a big window, so they have been getting sun as the day is long and are growing very well. I am new to this so maybe I started too early in the year because the plants just started flowering and now days are getting longer. So it would be nice to get an early harvest from these clones and then start again in June until end of season. Is re-veg a bad thing? If I were to let them go and they did re-veg will they flower again when the days become shorter and will quality be the same or better, by then they will be about 12 feet tall lol.
If they reveg somewhat late in flower it is kinda hard to say what they will do. I've seen it happen a few times and I've never seen two re veg plants do the same exact thing. Some plants handle it well and will revert quickly and.flower on time. Some plants will not flower easily again.and will take longer to finish. And some plants will just sputter out and either stunt or die (usually ones that are farther along in.flower before veg).

Just my personal expirience. I have a strain that is very light sensitive and it flowers at the drop of a hat. Sometimes it turns out cool sometimes it doesn't.
Thanks for the info High Haze. Even though my plants have been indoors since I have had them, they have not been under grow lights, they have been in front of a big window, so they have been getting sun as the day is long and are growing very well. I am new to this so maybe I started too early in the year because the plants just started flowering and now days are getting longer. So it would be nice to get an early harvest from these clones and then start again in June until end of season. Is re-veg a bad thing? If I were to let them go and they did re-veg will they flower again when the days become shorter and will quality be the same or better, by then they will be about 12 feet tall lol.
If they're currently indoors getting sunlight from a window, then as long as they are fairly along in flower, you can just carry them in a dark room (Maybe black a bedroom or bathroom out?) after 12 hours of daylight, then back to the window seal once it's completely dark outside. I personally wouldn't want them revegging, they do weird stuff sometimes and don't grow as vigorously. Best of luck!