My Outdoor roof Sensi star and WW comin too!!!


Well-Known Member
my ice started to show 2 weeks ago and mt orange bud/venus and my indigo plants are all now just starting to show now.
my first outdoor grow.
fucking ace wish i had grew more.
i just got a 6x6 foot greenhouse so the frost dont get them in the later weeks of flowering. oct to nov.


Well-Known Member
well im from eastern europe - Bulgaria. the lil one is clone from the biger one. the lil one is outside from over a month and the other is outside from maybe 2 and a half 3 weeks. the momma was grown in for two months, but i've cuted maybe 10 clones off her. i decide to place her on my roof, coz i want to see wot will happen. im interested in the outdoors. i'll start my nex outdoor in may with alot more plants!


Well-Known Member
i started mine in march indide on the windowsill then when it got warmer i moved outdoor.
i have topped my girls over 20 times every week for 20 weeks.
i have over 40 main colas per the 2 plants plant.
my outdoor ice has about 25 main colas.
my plants are now just short of 5 foot, i think they would have been about 8 to 10 if i hadnt have topped.
i think topping is great, to keep down the size and make them stockyer.


Well-Known Member
man, the last couple of weeks it was 40 celsius in the shades !! !! !! i had to move them in the shade coz of the hell heat. now the things are a lil better - 30 celsius in the shades, and they are doin fin. i weter 'em every fugin day. in the hotest days i even watered 'em twice a day!


Well-Known Member
wish it was like that here.
we are thinking os selling our hiouses and moving to the south of france.
we will be there by next year.
if we can sell our other 2 houses, we just sold 1, but now people are not buying homes.
we could always rent them out.
i dont care either way we are moving to the sun next year.
we also have family there to help us out.


Well-Known Member
no probs mate! if u notice my indoor plants are flowerin and the indoor S* is the same as the outdoors! the bigest plant out is her momma lol! cheers! :joint: >>>>>>


Well-Known Member
nice looking bro.... that big one is starting to show somr good branching... i wonder if youll get is some side shots.... id like to see some of the pheno's...