Stunted Clone


Active Member
I have a nice indoor set up and got a couple clones that a friend had previously bought and decided he couldn't take care of them. The clones are about 3 weeks to a month old. He had them indoor under some 15W bulbs. Very poor lights I know.. They didn't get cold though because we are in Cali and the weather is prime. I'm not sure what soil he was using but I don't think it was the good stuff. I currently have them under 1000w mh and today I transplanted them into 5 gal. with Fox Farm Ocean and added plenty of perlite. They have only been under the 1000w light for one day now. For being almost a month old 3 of the 4 plants look stunted and one doesn't even have a leaf formation yet. The healthy one was recently topped and seems to be doing well in the new soil. Should I toss the small one out or is there hope? Will nutes help break this stunt or should I just give them time under the new light? When should I start adding nutes?

Thanks in advance for any information. I do have a green thumb but am novice in this field.



Well-Known Member
A couple of them look alright. 1000 watts is a big jump for them from 15 watts so it's not a huge surprise they're in shock. Read up on acclimation. It's your friend in situations like this one.

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Active Member
A couple of them look alright. 1000 watts is a big jump for them from 15 watts so it's not a huge surprise they're in shock. Read up on acclimation. It's your friend in situations like this one.

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It seemed as if they were stunted before I picked them up since they were only 3-5 inches at 3 weeks. My guess was due to light deficiency. I knew it wouldn't be great to put them under this light right away but didn't have another option. I have the light far away from the plants - 24 inches. Also, the clones were originally under 600w mh until my friend received them.

Thanks for the input!


Well-Known Member
I was just pointing out that the jump from when you received them is huge. 3 weeks from cut or 3 weeks from roots? Cuttings really don't need that much light, a few under 40 watts it's fairly common. So if he had a few 15 watt bulbs that shouldn't have been the issue. My cuttings go under 38 watts of CFL then once they're roots they move to more light. You can have a 1k watt light more like 3-4' above seedlings.

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Active Member
Here's a pic of the setup. The light is more like 30+ inches. The top leaves seemed to be curling a little, most likely due to heat stress. I moved the light up an additional 5 inches, hoping that will help.



Active Member
I was just pointing out that the jump from when you received them is huge. 3 weeks from cut or 3 weeks from roots? Cuttings really don't need that much light, a few under 40 watts it's fairly common. So if he had a few 15 watt bulbs that shouldn't have been the issue. My cuttings go under 38 watts of CFL then once they're roots they move to more light. You can have a 1k watt light more like 3-4' above seedlings.

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3 weeks from roots. Maybe even longer.


Active Member
Ah, yeah well that is some slow growth, they'll probably be fine. I would raise that light a bunch though until they start growing again.

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Good advice. I'll move it up higher. Any advice on nutes at this point? I've read that I don't need nutes in this soil for a solid month.



Well-Known Member
Good advice. I'll move it up higher. Any advice on nutes at this point? I've read that I don't need nutes in this soil for a solid month.

What soil are you using? But with a lot of potting soils yeah 2 weeks to a month and a half depending on soil and how fast your plant eats the Nutes out of the soil.

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