Leaves dying 32 days into flower

Ahh it's my first grow you see so I got the entire canna line and am just following there feed chart is it anything to worry about and how can I stop it there to early into flower to start doing this to me haha


Active Member
Have you got it sorted? May b for first go or second,keep it a lil more simple with nuets ie ionic or bio biz,easier & prtty good,got same sorta prob same time as yourself m8! ✌
No not got it sorted yet mate if anything it's got worse I gave them a good feed today so that the water came through the holes at the bottom of the pot and I uped the pk13/14 half a mil on plant I thought needed it but if you have any suggestions on how to put it off for a little longer please do let me no also the line of bytes im using is just what my local hydro shop recommend


Active Member
Is it coco coir your medium & are they still drinking regular as they were? It looks like it's your older fan leaf that dyin off yea,is your new growth ok?
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Well-Known Member
Just curious what is your ph? I ask because what I am seeing looks like it may be a P deficiency and with the PK 13/14 you are using...that just does not make sense. So, if it is a P problem...could be from lockout or even severe over-watering.
Just curious what is your ph? I ask because what I am seeing looks like it may be a P deficiency and with the PK 13/14 you are using...that just does not make sense. So, if it is a P problem...could be from lockout or even severe over-watering.
Hi my ph coming out the tap is 7.2 and the ph coming out the drain is 6.4


Well-Known Member
Just curious what is your ph? I ask because what I am seeing looks like it may be a P deficiency and with the PK 13/14 you are using...that just does not make sense. So, if it is a P problem...could be from lockout or even severe over-watering.
I'm leaning over with what this guy said, looks like a lock out. I had the same thing when I thought "oh now that i'm flowering I should give em bloom food" Hard to tell with the lighting in your photo, but your leafs look like mine did when that happened.


Well-Known Member
Check the facts before taking mine or anyone else's opinion...IMHO the issue is lock-out your ph is too high going in and your plant is not taking up the P you are giving. Again...JUST My Humble Opinion.


Well-Known Member
I am not aware of any medium that enjoys 7.2 pH. Also we don't use tap water without having it analyzed because you never know what's in it. It could be causing a lockout.. So.. Get some clean water and if it 0 ppm add some cal mag.. Then pH it for your medium
I'm leaning over with what this guy said, looks like a lock out. I had the same thing when I thought "oh now that i'm flowering I should give em bloom food" Hard to tell with the lighting in your photo, but your leafs look like mine did when that happened.
Hi thanks for dropping in im a totol noob so how would I fix this


Well-Known Member
Hi thanks for dropping in im a totol noob so how would I fix this
What medium are you using?

And as far as PH is concerned cannabis thrives best when ph is in the 6.3 to 6.8 range. That is what I go by when watering. I grow in FFHF soil and have never checked run-off ph or ppm or ec.
My medium is coco also my plants drink about 3 to 4 liters every 3to4 days so if I need to get the ph down to 6.3 to 6.8 would I say have to leave 40 liters of tap water out of 24 hours as I would not have the storage capacity to do that or is the somethin I could simply buy to bring my ph down