Leaf problem and a big headache!


Active Member
Alright, I have 2 plants growing in 30L pots, Room temp is 25C at all times they are hand watered every 2 days with 1L of tap water ph of 7.0 with 3ML or each part A Canna COCO, part B Canna COCO, 3ML of Liquid pot ash P18 - A14. and 3ML of Canna Cannazym. They are growin in COCO and clay balls at he bottom im running my water to waste and they were going great. Now i have had a 600W HPS on them for about 3 weeks they have slowly started to wilter and go a little yellow down low. The top leafs are culing under and i know why they have a bit of leaf burn because i spryaed them with nitrozyme while the light was on them. i Have flushed the wtaer 2 weeks ago before i started to add the pot ash and put them into flowering. i have raised the light to stop the heat stress and nothign is working im only new to this and half grilled so i hope it makes sense! cheers for any help!.



Well-Known Member
i dont know what to suggest they look fucked up!
maybe you should just feed them plain distilled water for a week or so and make sure the light is 35inches above the plant and that the temps stay at 75-80 and you should check the ph to make sure thats not the problem. good luck


Well-Known Member
OH ...It`s a PH problem alright for sure.Do you check the PH of your water after you add the ferts before or both.If you`ve been giving ferts at 7.0 ph thats way to high.I`ve found that weed likes a PH between 6.2 & 6.8.So your coir fiber now has a ph of 7 or more.Flush em with a lowered ph a few times to bring it more in line.I use apple cider vineger or lemon juice both work well.I hope this will help a bit.Keep us posted ET.ccb


Active Member
Cheers, Im pulliung my hair out look after these girls for it all to turn to shit! PH is tested before i add not after ill test after and let you know what it is at. Can i bring them back you reckon or are they smashed? Thanks alot for the prompt replies


Well-Known Member
OH ...It`s a PH problem alright for sure.Do you check the PH of your water after you add the ferts before or both.If you`ve been giving ferts at 7.0 ph thats way to high.I`ve found that weed likes a PH between 6.2 & 6.8.So your coir fiber now has a ph of 7 or more.Flush em with a lowered ph a few times to bring it more in line.I use apple cider vineger or lemon juice both work well.I hope this will help a bit.Keep us posted ET.ccb
Actually coco is a hydroponic medium and the pH should be kept around 5.5. Waht is your pH?


Active Member
Oh really, as i said i aint no pro. All i know is that the PH is at 7.0 before i add nutes


Active Member
Oh and while im at it, They are 9 days into their flower cycle. How will the bud turn out if the plant is looking pretty average?


Well-Known Member
well, try flushing the medium with water ph'd at 5.5 wait a day then begin feeding. Also the potash is very alkaline, you need to adjust the pH of the water after you add nutes in it, not before.


Active Member
Ah i see. Thanks alot gangjababy. just the shit i got in the fish water ph tester should be alright shouldnt it? wont harm the plant in any way?

So tomorrow when they are in their light period i flush them with plain water at a PH of 5.5 right and water them the next day wil my normal nutes but ajust the ph after i have added them? Would that be correct??


Well-Known Member
I use a pH tester meant for the pool, the one with the red drops, they are pretty accurate. Yes, flush and then resume feeding at normal rates, just keep an eye on them and see how they respond.


Active Member
How do you think my bud will turn out? The plants look pretty fucked.... Should they be alright? Or to early to tell?


Well-Known Member
The bud should be fine as long as you keep them healthy from now on. Also hopefully none of them turn out to be Hermi due to stress. Just make sure you keep ph within 5-6 and keep good air circulation.


Active Member
Went out today and got myself a new ph meter it does both PH and PPM very nice to it is! So now when i have added my nutes my HP is at 6.6 and PPM is at 1.99 does that make sense?