I'm considering moving to the Philippines

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Well-Known Member
Oh man this is funny. My girl is only half flip and she's crazy as fuck dude... I couldn't imagine 100% oh man loloo. Been with her almost 9 yearsish...her dads side is from the Philippines, I been to weddings and shit, good people, quick tempered, the older dudes arnt too trusting , but I am a wookie dreadlocks Jedi...they should be weary lol, but overall great people and culture. I hear it can be super fuxking dangerous over there tho, idk, I don't want to go lol.
I wouldn't just move there though, I'm not that much older than you, but I moved far for a girl once, it was a mistake, usually is. You should go there for a month or 2, then have her come back to the US for a month or 2, do something like that if you can afford it. Idk man, moving for chicks is risky bizzness... Either way , Godspeed


Staff member
As someone who maintained a long distance relationship via a different country

Slow your roll hold your horses wait a second

Meet her first

What beautiful communications and everything you have via FaceTime skype text etc I'm sure your feelings are obvious
But all that can change when you meet in person
The connection may not be here physically or you may just not jive well regardless of how much you do via communication

Be realistic about this I know new beginnings so exciting
But seriously stop take a breathe and go a step at a time

If you dunno about work yet you haven't really looked into it
Start your researching into legal issues , work visas etc

And as an immigrant myself do it legally
Don't illegally work or go under the table
Just Don't !

It is not ever worth it for me to be deported torn away from my marriage and husband and possibly my child for the sake of some under the table money

Never ever worth it
While the worst of it for me is deportation because the USA is a developed country under developed countries deal with issues like that differently
The last thing you want is you being held in some shit prison in a under developed country bring tortured and beaten confused and scared held in in humane conditions while amnesty international tries to get you out


Well-Known Member
Hey I must ask you guys to be respectful. There is a good chance that she will be reading this.
In that case - Hey, girl! Dank is an outstanding citizen and a top candidate for a husband and provider. He is loved by everyone, and his penis is very large. He is the epitome of responsibility and upholds the law absolutely. You've chosen a real winner. If it doesn't work out with him for whatever reason, please join this forum and PM me. While I don't share his other attributes, I do have plenty of money and an easy life. So, you're free to come chill with me in exchange for sex and sammiches. Thank you for your time and consideration...
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Well-Known Member
@ODanksta also I might. There are plenty of Filipina ladies around naval bases. That's where I met my first wife. At a mall in Va Beach near Norfolk where I was stationed. I was hanging with the boys there was a whole group of them. Like 18-25. That was 30 years ago, but I also met them in local bars. I had a roomate and he dated a lot of them. Make that two roommates. There were just a bunch of them around. And they introduce you to their social circles. It was actually a trip now that I think about it.


Well-Known Member
The Philippines are pretty rough just an FYI. They dont really like white people. My dad has a philippino wife. She told me some crazy stories about there. Yes it is cheap.

She told me that like the government was involved (just the word around there) in like breaking into peoples homes at night and stealing their livers and other organs to sell on the black market. White people aren't really liked by everybody. Lotta drugs, guns, and violence.
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