I'm considering moving to the Philippines

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Well-Known Member
The Philippines are pretty rough just an FYI. They dont really like white people. My dad has a philippino wife. She told me some crazy stories about there. Yes it is cheap.

She told me that like the government was involved (just the word around there) in like breaking into peoples homes at night and stealing their livers and other organs to sell on the black market. White people aren't really liked by everybody. Lotta drugs, guns, and violence.
I've heard that too. Organized crime and such.


Staff member
The Philippines are pretty rough just an FYI. They dont really like white people. My dad has a philippino wife. She told me some crazy stories about there. Yes it is cheap.

She told me that like the government was involved (just the word around there) in like breaking into peoples homes at night and stealing their livers and other organs to sell on the black market. White people aren't really liked by everybody. Lotta drugs, guns, and violence.
My brother has been living abroad in Vietnam Thailand and Philippines plus Malaysia for the last 3 years
He absolutely loves it

However that being said he posts sometimes about the politics and news

Recently a young driver killed multiple people completely her fault
But she was connected to someone high up
She got 1 day of community service for killing like 12 people


Well-Known Member
I've heard that too. Organized crime and such.
I am not saying this person who wants to move here is out of his mind or anything or nieve (wtf how to you spell ny-eve...lol), but not everywhere is like good old safe USA. There are some bad places in this world. We think the hood is rough here. Shit go to some third world country where you can give a cop like $500 to cover up a murder or something lol.


Well-Known Member
I am not saying this person who wants to move here is out of his mind or anything or nieve (wtf how to you spell ny-eve...lol), but not everywhere is like good old safe USA. There are some bad places in this world. We think the hood is rough here. Shit go to some third world country where you can give a cop like $500 to cover up a murder or something lol.
Naive. Yeah man. Heard shit goes down and I remember he said the cops were crooked as hell too.

Funny thing. I asked my friend why his gf didn't move here? Better hospitals and such. He said she loves her country and doesn't want to leave her family. She used to work abroad and has some kind of engineering degree. I'm thinking he aaid she worked in Hong Kong til she got sick. Like anywhere tho I am sure there are good areas and bad areas over there. Probably more expensive to live in those tho.

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
So all of you know I've been talking to this Filipina chic for a couple months. Regardless of my troll posts, I haven't slept with anyone since we got serious. So considering where America is going and all the politics that I have a strong hatred towards, and the whole media and the peoples values here. I am strongly considering moving to the Philippians with her. Most people there speak english.

I am going to make some decent amount of money in the next year, so I'm thinking about saving up as much as possible and making the move.

I plan on making a trip in the next couple of months. To see how I feel about everything before making a final decision.

The truth is there are a ton of American expats over there. And I mean a shit ton. It's a simple peaceful life over there.

But yeah my main concern would be work. But she says her grandfather has a building/shop for sale. So I am considering opening a restaurant..
But I also have a couple other plans up my sleeve, I will be doing a massive seed run before I leave. And maybe getting into selling seeds offshore.

With the move, I plan on taking about $20,000 with me.

So let's talk about her. So yes money is kinda an issue, but that could be said about most American girls too. But she knows I'm not loaded. But once you learn about their culture things are way different then ours. They expect you to take care of them and their families, but the girls whole purpose in life is take care of their man, maybe even to point of craziness. They get crazy jealous, but then again you must understand their culture. So they have a giant American military base over there. And American guys have been leaving the girls high and dry for years. But the girls will love you until you die. Even to point of extreme clingliness. I'm fine with that. And in the Philippians they don't date, dating is basically marriage. The men (chickboys) not shemales) are players. The men are known for cheating but the females are NOT. But woman can be kinda aggressive. I know she is. But I'd much rather an aggressive girl then one who gives zero shits about you.

There are tons of videos on youtube of guys that love it.

The difference in our relationship, between the others, is she is not a (bar girl) there is not an age gap. I'm 31 and she is 28. I'm not some old ass rich white guy and she isn't a super hot model (but she is beautiful).

And I am willing to walk away from the weed game for happiness.

Just thought I would share, and open for yalls opinions..
Don't blame America for what your little dick wants to do..


Well-Known Member
@ODanksta There seems to be some truth to the organ stealing going on in the Phillipines. I read two stories where tourist guys were drinking in a bar and woke up the next morning with long scars on their lower backs. Someone removed one of their kidneys. I guess tho go for about 10k a piece bro. And the Phillipines seems to be one of the hubs in organ trafficking. You met want to consider bringing your girl over here homie. I don't know.


Well-Known Member
I am not saying this person who wants to move here is out of his mind or anything or nieve (wtf how to you spell ny-eve...lol), but not everywhere is like good old safe USA. There are some bad places in this world. We think the hood is rough here. Shit go to some third world country where you can give a cop like $500 to cover up a murder or something lol.


Well-Known Member
The Philippines are pretty rough just an FYI. They dont really like white people. My dad has a philippino wife. She told me some crazy stories about there. Yes it is cheap.

She told me that like the government was involved (just the word around there) in like breaking into peoples homes at night and stealing their livers and other organs to sell on the black market. White people aren't really liked by everybody. Lotta drugs, guns, and violence.
From what she tells me is they love Americans, the guys on youtube say the same..


Well-Known Member
My brother has been living abroad in Vietnam Thailand and Philippines plus Malaysia for the last 3 years
He absolutely loves it

However that being said he posts sometimes about the politics and news

Recently a young driver killed multiple people completely her fault
But she was connected to someone high up
She got 1 day of community service for killing like 12 people

You see guys! take from someone who actually knows


Well-Known Member
In the Philippines, you don’t get much leeway either. The first time you’re caught smoking a joint you can be sent to rehab for at least six months. If you are persistent enough to try again, the next time could land you in jail for between six and twelve years. If you get caught growing weed, you’re looking at anything from life imprisonment to the death penalty. The Philippine Dangerous Drugs Act will make your life a living hell. One man was jailed for 15 years after being caught with two “sticks” (assumedly meaning joints) of marijuana.

what if you move your life and things dont work out??... have her come here or go see her first. dont up and go, i wouldnt even move 30 minutes away for a chick i never met in person. dont do it man!!.. not saying she isnt cool, but you never know what the future holds
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