BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

mr west

Well-Known Member
only got this week and next then Bertie starts nursery school yay. be the first time with out kids since they were born lol.


Well-Known Member
My Mrs doesn't give anything much of a chance. Soon as his toes are at the end of a suit it's outta there. Hard to.keep up with her. All the real small baby stuff is already in the charity skip along the road lol.


Well-Known Member
I don't do run off man. Wasteful and I think I better roots get more air than water.
depends quite a bit on container and medium about run off. I dont particularly water for run off but always some in the trays after watering. But watering 14 10gl and half a dozen 5gl takes time as it is without me waiting on the water to hit the dish.. LOL

The sips will just water themselves through wicking and I will only fill each 27gl tub every 3 weeks!


Well-Known Member
depends quite a bit on container and medium about run off. I dont particularly water for run off but always some in the trays after watering. But watering 14 10gl and half a dozen 5gl takes time as it is without me waiting on the water to hit the dish.. LOL

The sips will just water themselves through wicking and I will only fill each 27gl tub every 3 weeks!
hey SG,

Got a link to those sips designs? color me intrigued ;)