nuggs 2016

i'm a beliver in getting a resque dog soon as soon as posible after losing a loved one.
Bubba is my live saver. no guts brought him over the day after losing my dog. he'll always have a home, here or if him and the pup can't get along. no guts wants him back!
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dang, some sad vibes in here :( Sucks about the pup, losing a dog is the hardest. I prefer dogs to people. Hard pressed to find the same loyalty from a human that a dog so freely gives. first time in my life I haven't had a dog, is so damn weird not having a dog!
That pic of her makes my arm hurt again! Lols Great dog still. Can't wait to meet the new ones nuggs
dam sorry again brother.. She was too quick, silent and protective. she never bit too hard , she let you know there was more if you wanted it. truthfully I remember it but the details are foggy... Sorry that happened . I trained her that way for protection. She never took my stop command serious if she had her pray drive excited.
dam sorry again brother.. She was too quick, silent and protective. she never bit too hard , she let you know there was more if you wanted it. truthfully I remember it but the details are foggy... Sorry that happened . I trained her that way for protection. She never took my stop command serious if she had her pray drive excited.
It was quick and solid. Just like you say to let me know there was more. Didnt break skin but left dents for a lil. Lols I was shaking your hand goodbye. No worries. She did as she was supposed too.
It was quick and solid. Just like you say to let me know there was more. Didnt break skin but left dents for a lil. Lols I was shaking your hand goodbye. No worries. She did as she was supposed too.
I quess that was her trademark don't flap ya arms around nuggs or they get shortened up right quick I learned that quick enough myself not a bad thing thou one hell of a guard dog for sure