I'm considering moving to the Philippines

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Well-Known Member
Well she is reading this right now, and she hasn't responded back yet. But I want her to understand the typical american culture. If it's a shock to me it will be shock to her. But I can say I am not your typical american male, and that is the reason I am attracted to her.

Bob Zmuda

Well-Known Member
I will be taking my time to begin with, I do plan on taking trips. And she lives in Qatar where it's all muslim. She works her ass off to provide for her son and family.

I'd like to think I am a great guy but I am also single. I could easily find a girl here. I'm not brad pitt but I've never had a problem with getting very attractive girls.

My biggest problem is finding a quality girl here. I have old fashion views on relationship, and it seem hard to find here. Every girl I have dated seems to have the same damn train of thought. They are to into themselves. I'm not saying they don't exist but the good ones seem to be taken. And at my age the girls that are not married seem to be because they are bat shit crazy.

I am 100% me when I speak to her, why would she be any different.

The most attractive attribute about her is she does not judge me. I can talk about politics and religion and she is all ears. Most American girls give zero fucks and are more concerned about watching the Kardashians.. So yeah that's the way I feel
Dude. Just don't move to Qatar. Not tryin to see you in some Isis video!


Well-Known Member
Well she is reading this right now, and she hasn't responded back yet. But I want her to understand the typical american culture. If it's a shock to me it will be shock to her. But I can say I am not your typical american male, and that is the reason I am attracted to her.
remember that time you asked me to see my penis..

jk.. odanksta a cool guy. you better not hurt him!!

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Well she is reading this right now, and she hasn't responded back yet. But I want her to understand the typical american culture. If it's a shock to me it will be shock to her. But I can say I am not your typical american male, and that is the reason I am attracted to her.
Look at you, all different and shit.. that's why I like you bro.. When we gonna make love again?


Well-Known Member
Well she is reading this right now, and she hasn't responded back yet. But I want her to understand the typical american culture. If it's a shock to me it will be shock to her. But I can say I am not your typical american male, and that is the reason I am attracted to her.
I'm not sure I like being called typical.... I'm unique.


Well-Known Member
brah when did I ever say I was moving to Qatar? I wanted you to have my back since you are married to a beautiful Filipina girl..
No worries buddy, I got your back... and some lotion too when you're ready :lol:

Ok ok I'll behave. For real though, I only pick fun at the cool peeps, and you're one of the few I consider cool.
Just don't let it get to your head now.


Well-Known Member
Well she is reading this right now, and she hasn't responded back yet. But I want her to understand the typical american culture. If it's a shock to me it will be shock to her. But I can say I am not your typical american male, and that is the reason I am attracted to her.
Did you tell her RIU is typical American culture???!! Hey young lady....RIU is where sociopaths, psychotics, misanthropes and general ner'do wells hang out; its either here or jail
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