Donald Trump

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Well-Known Member
I'm just saying if I felt that my family's or my life is in danger I would not wait for someone to save us. Less typing more action
It's too late for western europe. We still have a chance to stop it here in the states. I am a pascifist and dont understand how people dont speak out against this violent, oppressive ideology known as islam.


Well-Known Member
What point are you trying to make? Do you think islam is a problem?
I think some people who claim to be muslims are. I think there are bad apples in every bunch. Police, military,teachers, christians, hindu's. There are horrible people in all of these groups. But there are good people as well.


Well-Known Member
I think some people who claim to be muslims are. I think there are bad apples in every bunch. Police, military,teachers, christians, hindu's. There are horrible people in all of these groups. But there are good people as well.
Well the buddhist's and hindu's arent the one's wreaking havoc all over the world.


Well-Known Member
Living in a culture based on jewish law or christian law is fine by me. Don't really want to live under sharia law or any islamic society. What islamic culture would you liberals like to live under? Those middle eastern countries have ran out all of the moderates and christians and now they are hell holes. Lebanon was over half christian and was very tolerant and modern.


Well-Known Member
"There is something going on, Maria," Trump replied. "Go to Brussels. Go to Paris. Go to different places. There is something going on and it's not good, where they want Sharia law, where they want this, where they want things that — you know there has to be some assimilation. There is no assimilation. There is something bad going on."

The Republican presidential front-runner said Brussels, the capital of Belgium, had been particularly transformed. Belgium has been home to a number of recent terror plots, and was linked to the November attack on Paris, France, that left 130 people dead.

"You go to Brussels — I was in Brussels a long time ago, 20 years ago, so beautiful, everything is so beautiful — it's like living in a hellhole right now," Trump continued. "You go to these different places. There is something going on."

-Trump Jan 26, 2016


Well-Known Member
i figured you were a trump lover who was simply too cowardly to own up to it.
No sir, Im the independent anti Hillary vote. No not a trump fan at all, but would vote for him before her is all.

I hope to see a third candidate jump in between them, really. A middle of the road independent would suit me just fine.


Well-Known Member
No sir, Im the independent anti Hillary vote. No not a trump fan at all, but would vote for him before her is all.

I hope to see a third candidate jump in between them, really. A middle of the road independent would suit me just fine.
The scenario you are describing would most likely end in victory for Hillary, the very thing you oppose
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