My first clones (Soil)

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
Hey guys, Ive done enough reading to have a plan on what to do. Im taking clones tonight, and wanted some pointers before I do. Im trying to just use soil, to save $ on Rapid Rooters etc for now.

Brief background:I have RX Green Solutions Cloning System (Solution, Gel, Mist ((Mist is used before taking the cut Im pretty sure.))

My questions:

1. To avoid embolism, you use scissors to cut then cut 90° Angle UNDERWATER**?

2. Many Different opinions on using a dome or not. I was thinking about putting them in a clear storage container with holes in it, and mist it good beforehand.

3. Besides cutting bigger leaves in half, cutting some stem off at the bottom to expose rooting cells...What else is there besides leaving it alone?

Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
These are a few plants I have going, takijg most clones off the bigger plant (its in 15gal fabric.)View attachment 3638468 View attachment 3638467
@greasemonkeymann hey buddy, hows the weather your way? Warming up a little? Im growing a bunch of stuff in my garden (75% is used directly/indirectly for my cannabis grow. Topdressings/ compost etc..)

2 questions.

1: The second pic I posted is of my 15gallon fabric. I want to start 12/12 asap, do you think its of a good size/health to start 12/12? Should I give her a good topdressing while switching to 12/12?

2: Im taking clones, mainly off the 15gal but only have soil to use. Ive done enough reading to feel confident doing this, but what is your cloning technique? The one thing im confused about is, you cut the clone off then using a razor cut a 90° while underwater?


Well-Known Member
The pinned thread on cloning is somewhere and pretty good. Besides angle cutting I scrape the stem with razor blade. About 3/8" on end. If the clone stem is thick enough I also split the stem on the end. I have not lost a clone in 3 harvests and over 90% overall. Like promix over soil. Only because it seems easier to overwater soil and then you wait longer.


Well-Known Member
Two things I would suggest:

Don't worry about the embolism...just make sure you slice back AND down with a really sharp razor. Like a tomato. As I understand it you're more likely to get an air bubble from compressing the stem too much during a cut.

Don't let the soil get too wet or your stem might rot. Just spray the dome.


Well-Known Member
All my clones are thriving & was my first time. No gel, used a boxcutter (sterilized) cut @ 45° angle, straight into water (while I cut a couple more) then into peat pellets or soil. I had great success with both. Like pellets best. I had no dome, was brokey so I put em all in water bottles,orange juice bottles whatever I had. Check itIMG_20160321_143357.jpg


Well-Known Member
Hey all these guys laughed @ me my crazy mini greenhouses. But I never misted them. To each his own! I do now. I transplant them yesterday I take new Pict. Anyway even I was unsure they would live

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Any way you can elevate humidity will help them propagate. I used to do it in a styrofoam cooler with the top cut off for light & then I would Saran Wrap over the top under the lid to make a mini greenhouse. A small clear bin will work also if you drill 1/4" holes all over to vent; add a layer of wet perlite in the bottom & it stays very humid inside- misting the perlite will rehydrate the chamber as needed... Just a few ideas I've tried but nothing works better than my aerocloner- DIY one & you'll never look back


Well-Known Member
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Kind Sir

Well-Known Member
Any way you can elevate humidity will help them propagate. I used to do it in a styrofoam cooler with the top cut off for light & then I would Saran Wrap over the top under the lid to make a mini greenhouse. A small clear bin will work also if you drill 1/4" holes all over to vent; add a layer of wet perlite in the bottom & it stays very humid inside- misting the perlite will rehydrate the chamber as needed... Just a few ideas I've tried but nothing works better than my aerocloner- DIY one & you'll never look back
Can I see your cloner man?