Would shipping clones cause them to hermie?


Well-Known Member
Anyone have any experience with this? Priority shipping usually take 2-3 days. My personal opinion ( with no experience to back it up) is that it wouldn't unless the mother was extremely sensitive to stress. Any opinions?


Well-Known Member
I mean it should bounce back. I wouldn't recommend shipping a cannabis plant though. Kinda illegal

Yes the dark period will cause stress. But it shouldn't go into flowering with 3 days of darkness. If somehow it did. It could be reverted back to veg. Make sure it is well established.


Well-Known Member
Just build one using a mason jar,and a net cup glued to the inside lid. Double vacuum seal and ship overnight in packing peanuts.


Well-Known Member
I mean it should bounce back. I wouldn't recommend shipping a cannabis plant though. Kinda illegal

Yes the dark period will cause stress. But it shouldn't go into flowering with 3 days of darkness. If somehow it did. It could be reverted back to veg. Make sure it is well established.
Oh, of course I would never do that!


Well-Known Member
I'd package it with a lot of bubble wrap and/or something to keep it from shifting inside the box.


Well-Known Member
HMMM...even though I REALLY liked the shipper Gary posted...for me shipping clones comes under the "what good can come from it?" flag...Buy some seeds...so it takes a bit longer...get femmed seeds and you should not have any hermie issues either.

Just my .02