Jay Man

New Member
Not sure what the problem is but I need help. Tips starting to turn yellow and looks like something is making leaves Wierd yellow spots..I'm using roots organics product line and there soil as well.. 1 1000 watt cooled light, 4x4 tent with 4 plantsimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpg

Mean Gene

Well-Known Member
Im leaning towards magnesium deficiency here for the blotchy spotting leaves. Is there a cal mag or something with magnesium in it that you have? Im unfamiliar with you nute product line. This is a very common problem most new growers have.

The very tips of leaves turning yellow is nute burn. Its not bad at all yet though. Just enough to let you know that whatever strength you fed was just barely too much. So if you keep it at that same level or dial it back just a bit youre fine. But as thebplant grows just remember to slowly increase your nutes only ifnit needs them.

Jay Man

New Member
Hey thanks for the response
Im leaning towards magnesium deficiency here for the blotchy spotting leaves. Is there a cal mag or something with magnesium in it that you have? Im unfamiliar with you nute product line. This is a very common problem most new growers have.

The very tips of leaves turning yellow is nute burn. Its not bad at all yet though. Just enough to let you know that whatever strength you fed was just barely too much. So if you keep it at that same level or dial it back just a bit youre fine. But as thebplant grows just remember to slowly increase your nutes only ifnit needs them.
I do have cal mag that I apply in every weekly..and as far as the bite burn is it something that I should worry about having to flush them..thanks for responding I'm really new to this and just trung to get as much help I can

Mean Gene

Well-Known Member
From what i know of organic nutrients its all about supporting the microbial ecosystem in the soil.

Do you know what your soil ph is? Could be a lock out but i think you would see more going on with the plant if it was locked out.

Mean Gene

Well-Known Member
As far as the nute burn (sorry forgot to address in prev post) i wouldnt worry about it. How often are you giving nutes compared to plain water? Like 1-1 nutes water nutes water or 2-1 nute nute water.

As long as you dont see the tips of your new leaves at the top of your plant turning and it is just those older ones youre fine.

As i mentioned just watch when you feed if it burns new leaves dial it back. If there is no nute burn then the next feed up your nutes slightly. Its a balance game you will get the hang of it. Trust me.

Jay Man

New Member
thanks for all the help guys and gal its appriciated...ok as far as my ph i test every time before i water and its always at like 5.5 from the bottle it says thats what its suppose to be...and i have not been on that kinda feeding scheldule i think i have only used ph'd water 1 time in 2and a half the last feed it was jyst water.@ green surfer the strain is Fire OG and no i have never grown any strain..sorry im a newbie to trying to become a grower and about knats im not sure if thats what they are but i have killed a couple little white bugs but i have used neem oil and in a week was gonna plan on hitting any extra little hitchhikers with i said i a very new to this and any advice would be helpful.Thanks everyone


Well-Known Member
Hey jay,
Get your ph up to 6.0.-6.5. A ph of 5.5 is too low for soil. Judging by the container/plant size I wouldn't recommend feeding for a week or two. You haven't fertilized yet have you?
The white bugs were in the soil or on the leaves? It could be whiteflies, says captain obvious me...
If you can afford 25 bucks to kill the bugs get some azamax and do a soil drench. Even if it's not gnats it will still kill any pests you might have, I believe it's certified organic and food safe.
Roots Organic has had fungus gnat infestations in the past which led me to convert to happy frog soil. If you disturb the soil and get a bunch of little assholes flying around then you have gnats. One thing I stress for new growers is to relax and let the plant do its thing. As with most new hobbies it is natural to overthink and over correct.
I hope this helps.
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Jay Man

New Member
Ok thank you much next water i will het my ph higher and as for the azamax i didnt see that so i got azatrol which people are telling me is pretty much the same thing and i sprayed them this morning..and yes i believe it is the white fly gnats..i checked the extra soil i had and for sure they were all in the bag... so next time i am using diff soil for sure.and thanks all the advice i can get helps