Best overall breeder... Thoughts ?

Probably will get some hate but I Love nirvana genetics. Aurora indica is such abeast of a strain. Ak48 is great, as is their Bubblicious auto.

Here is a pic of some organic Aurora indica I grew...first time growing that strain too, averaged 5 pounds dry a plant in my greenhouse. Potent, dense, finished early, cannot say enough good about this strain.
Have you grown anything but nirvana? That's what I started with for a breeder, not bad but certainly not the epitome of dank. Expand your horizons.
beanhoarder has some killer x's
What do you like from beanhoarder? I have had good luck with nirvana and had customers who preferred blue mystic and ice over vortex and apollo 13. Beanhoarder and cannacopia have interesting stuff, so if anyone has personal experience with these genetics I would like more details.
That light green weed from mexico.I have sean many loads of it and to me its the best they grow and I also have seeds from it.I have grew it here in ky. and I loved it but it is a late finisher here.MY Mexican friends some are still in federal prison over it but dam I like it.IT still is around but to much heat now for me to mess with

I am growing some Mexican seed from Eskobar and wonder what region your light green stuff comes from. If you have any idea? Name of strain or anything? Damn I want those seeds.

I name Charlie Garcia as best landrace preservationist of late, and Chimera is a hell of a breeder and scientist. Charlie is with Cannabiogen used to be with ACE. If you are interested in Durban Poison he has his version over at Cannabiogen, just came in. I would trust him over about any of the others with 'landrace' genetics.
I am growing some Mexican seed from Eskobar and wonder what region your light green stuff comes from. If you have any idea? Name of strain or anything? Damn I want those seeds.

I name Charlie Garcia as best landrace preservationist of late, and Chimera is a hell of a breeder and scientist. Charlie is with Cannabiogen used to be with ACE. If you are interested in Durban Poison he has his version over at Cannabiogen, just came in. I would trust him over about any of the others with 'landrace' genetics.
I have grown most of the landrace strains from ace and cannabiogen and they inbreed their stuff so it loses vigor. The colombian strains that gage green genetics have is much, much better. Mexican bagseed is a good source for genetics and then you would have varities that others dont have.
What do you like from beanhoarder? I have had good luck with nirvana and had customers who preferred blue mystic and ice over vortex and apollo 13. Beanhoarder and cannacopia have interesting stuff, so if anyone has personal experience with these genetics I would like more details.
i like all his gear. if i wanted ww. buy his. love his c99 x's. . & def score a couple of this chem d x's. & that ssh x pck.
What's sad is that honestly the last true bred strain I can think of is DJ shorts blueberry. Consistent every time, not much of variation at all.

off the top of my head, that is all I could think of. There are other breeders I can think of like bodhi and shanti, but I can't think of many of their strains at this point they are putting out that are actually bred through and stabilized. When I ran a lot of DJ shorts blueberry in 2007-08 it was the same every time. And it was fire. He spends time stabilizing shit like not many other breeders do at this point. Any breeder that is releasing 10+ strains a year is not releasing true bred strains IMO. Jut pollen chucking good genetics and selling the f1s. It's funny that f2s and f3s are popping up and that's an unusual thing. That's not even close to the point of true breeding or stability IMO. If I plant 10 seeds and there is more than a single variation, possibly two but should be rare, then I wouldn't consider it a strain. Just some polyhybrid. And polys are awesome and have their place, but they are not strains. And being able to cross a male and female plant and make seeds doesn't make you a legit breeder lol.

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Ya I used to really enjoy the pre 2001 blueberry. Ever since he switched the parents a couple times , you are literally the first person I have heard say it was stable. Most reports I've seen have complained of "mutants" etc.

I really did enjoy that old school BB though.
Thank you for an interesting read (minus the bickering in the middle) IMO all growers should breed so I'd say the best breeder is yourself 8)

I know most won't agree but that's ok LOL

I breed for early translucent amber trics, a rare Sativa only genetic trait that most don't even know about, it was what made the fire back in the 60's & 70's, I have spent many years bringin that old school high back. And I am a hoarder of old strains as well as many Land Races (bout to work some 70's Dalat beans)

But alas my beans are not in banks though they are growing all over the world because I give em away to any grower that visits 8)

I think we should all breed and that we should should all be sharin amongst ourselves rather than chasin the flav o flav of the month model that has created the new F1 as fast as you can model.

Some one mentioned a light green giggle weed earlier, I have a strain that does that and I have one that is just like doing two lines of coke, breedin is fun !!!

ive only smoked two times that gave me the mad giggles and it just felt SOOOO damn good.......can anyone recommend strains that are known specifically for reliably producing those hardcore giggles? i really miss that.....
I am growing some Mexican seed from Eskobar and wonder what region your light green stuff comes from. If you have any idea? Name of strain or anything? Damn I want those seeds.

I name Charlie Garcia as best landrace preservationist of late, and Chimera is a hell of a breeder and scientist. Charlie is with Cannabiogen used to be with ACE. If you are interested in Durban Poison he has his version over at Cannabiogen, just came in. I would trust him over about any of the others with 'landrace' genetics.
I never ask question of where my stuff come from.I onley worie if it is good or bad.I have some very good Mexican friends that I have knowen for maney years.i will have some moore of those seeds befor to long and I will spread the love around when the time is beans from them are always FREE.a I have never sold a seed in my life not that I could not but I would never sell nothing that is give to in touch..
off the top of my head, that is all I could think of. There are other breeders I can think of like bodhi and shanti, but I can't think of many of their strains at this point they are putting out that are actually bred through and stabilized. When I ran a lot of DJ shorts blueberry in 2007-08 it was the same every time. And it was fire. He spends time stabilizing shit like not many other breeders do at this point. Any breeder that is releasing 10+ strains a year is not releasing true bred strains IMO. Jut pollen chucking good genetics and selling the f1s. It's funny that f2s and f3s are popping up and that's an unusual thing. That's not even close to the point of true breeding or stability IMO. If I plant 10 seeds and there is more than a single variation, possibly two but should be rare, then I wouldn't consider it a strain. Just some polyhybrid. And polys are awesome and have their place, but they are not strains. And being able to cross a male and female plant and make seeds doesn't make you a legit breeder lol. SHANTI,,MOST OF HIS BEANS are not stable they are just f1 99 percent of them are,thats why he tells you that the best one mite onley come from 1000 beans,but don't take that wrong he is JUST ONE OF THE BEAST there is better beans and lots of just as good as his are,jmo..i like his stuff but your not going to buy his beast and that's a fact or people would onley need one pack of every strain of his and coppy it..

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LOTS OR SHOULD I SAY.SHANTI BEANS ARE NOT STABEL in my book.thats why he tells you if you grow a thousand of his beans you mite find the holey grail of that cross.your not going to buy his best beans and yes I do like his stuff.but I think lots of it is weaker in thc then most of the usa breads now
I'm wondering if anyone has an opinion on beanhoarder? At hempdepot. I know next to nothing about breeding and I get that he is essentially a pollen chucker, but he is a thorough one at that. He has almost any cross available(of older line genetics) and uses Mr nice, sensi, bros Grimm, and other legendary seed stock for mothers. It sounds as though his stuff might be untested, but he also stabilizes and works lines(blockhead f5).
Just curious what people think, I used him for one of my first grows and the first female I found I cloned and was straight fire. Very impressed on that isolated incident

Put down 10 f13 x Blueberry...9 of 10 germ with 1 popping and runting out. 7 out of 9 with crazy deformed leaf formations that never grew out of that deformity. 2 reg plants of the set with 1 male and 1 female. So I got a single female from a 10 pack... def true BB genetics but a disappointment all the same.
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It takes years of work. Alot of plants (in the bigh thousands minimum) to come out with a unique cultivar or varietal that breeds true. Just one. 99% of so called breeders arent even close. Picking a male from a relatively small selection and hitting every clone only you can woth its pollen and sending seeds out to a shitload of growers for "test reports" does not a breeder make. Its just making seeds. And with hype marketing. Thats all most are doing. Mattet of one thats really doing it right. You cant. Its a quick buck money thing. And doing it right takes way too long and too many plants. Once mj becomes fully will see real genetics being stabilized and real large population selection. Until then...this is what yiur gonna get.