Update 27 daysI Pineapple Express auto


Well-Known Member
Well now day 27 their still alive so they are shooting up what's the next step I have lifted the light as don't want to burn them but they like triffids jack / critical at back pineapple at front which is shorter I am quite pleased myself but if you spot something please say and when do you think just looking when they will be done



Well-Known Member
Well now day 27 their still alive so they are shooting up what's the next step I have lifted the light as don't want to burn them but they like triffids jack / critical at back pineapple at front which is shorter I am quite pleased myself but if you spot something please say and when do you think just looking when they will be done
Not that good at photography


Well-Known Member
Well now day 27 their still alive so they are shooting up what's the next step I have lifted the light as don't want to burn them but they like triffids jack / critical at back pineapple at front which is shorter I am quite pleased myself but if you spot something please say and when do you think just looking when they will be done
The top view of the second pic, looks like the new growth is "praying for mag". The twisted tips are usually an indicator. They look good though!


Well-Known Member
well, definitely could use a little ca mg.

otherwise they look good. Autos require little to no added nutes...in my experience.

What kind of soil ya using?


Well-Known Member
Well now day 27 their still alive so they are shooting up what's the next step I have lifted the light as don't want to burn them but they like triffids jack / critical at back pineapple at front which is shorter I am quite pleased myself but if you spot something please say and when do you think just looking when they will be done
Looking good dude,i will be doing a pineapple ex auto's out doors this summer


Well-Known Member
Morning all its day 30 I haven't seen my girl s for two days as been ill and had to work so I will be taking pics and hoping they are ok feeding happy Easter everyone X


Well-Known Member
image.jpeg image.jpeg image.jpeg Day 30 ---- well I have not been well and neglected my plants a bit I knew they would prob be ok but to be honest didn't have strength to do anything. Rite I opened the palace and my queens had a bit of a droop I guess from all the reading I do lack of feeding just given 6 litres to all 6 put them back and fingers crossed they should be ok. Here are some updated pictures of today , Pineapple Express out of tent all 3 and inside the tent jack heare/ critical 3 of them as well, then last pics a family photo all together


Well-Known Member
I have been reading watching videos and reading the questions an answers on here and am learning slowly harvest week for the jack they say 45-50 days and the pineapple 65-70 days so approx 15 to 20 days for my first ever harvest but anything can happen thinking of starting more seeds couple of pics of packets I have growing now



Well-Known Member
I have been reading watching videos and reading the questions an answers on here and am learning slowly harvest week for the jack they say 45-50 days and the pineapple 65-70 days so approx 15 to 20 days for my first ever harvest but anything can happen thinking of starting more seeds couple of pics of packets I have growing now
And thinking of starting these seeds off gonna read up on them first though image.jpeg