EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

Your zeal surpasses even a Paulbot. And Demographics of those voting for Sanders backs my contention
Hardly, bro. I've said since March 2014 that I thought Clinton would win the nomination

You coming in here and making snide remarks to agitate people is pointless

Your contention is that young people are voting for Sanders only because they want "free college" (doesn't sound too far off of conservative talking points we hear around here regularly). So prove it if you believe you're right, where's your evidence?
Hardly, bro. I've said since March 2014 that I thought Clinton would win the nomination

You coming in here and making snide remarks to agitate people is pointless

Your contention is that young people are voting for Sanders only because they want "free college" (doesn't sound too far off of conservative talking points we hear around here regularly). So prove it if you believe you're right, where's your evidence?
Not trying to agitate anyone.
I like the Bern. But take away free college and he loses his base
Oh I'm sorry. I didn't know this was an exclusive thread.
Don't forget to support a democrat, when Sanders loses the primary
You're welcome to post, that's not the issue I brought up

You are posting in here to annoy people

Why would you do that? What do you get out of doing that? That's the type of thing conservatives on RIU do and we all, including you, give them shit for it

If SC justices weren't up this cycle, I wouldn't vote for Clinton. So I guess that's all she has going for her.
Your zeal surpasses even a Paulbot. And Demographics of those voting for Sanders backs my contention

The most amazing stat coming out of the Iowa Democratic caucuses is this one: Among voters between the ages of 17 and 29, Bernie Sanders won 84 percent of the vote to Hillary Clinton's 14 percent.

All of which may be true, yet fails to describe EVERY Bernie supporter, by a wide margin.

We do indeed have widespread voter suppression going on and it needs to be exposed.
Bullshit you're not trying to agitate anyone. What's the point of your recents posts in this thread then?

he's mad because he's not part of it and wishes he were..nobody gives a shit about the cunt..she's business as usual and it's so obvi.

some of us have true convictions..and STICK to them!


if not now..WHEN?
When will this thread be changed to an official recipe thread ?
We can even ask a mod to change the title to " Feel The Burn " or " Burn baby Burn ".
I have lots and lots of delicious recipes to makes this "Feel The Burn recipe" thread a lasting success.
Sanders will not be POTUS in 2016, time we realize it and at least make him proud with great tasting recipes.