Official 2017 Pinworm Countdown thread.

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In high school people said "that's gay" a lot. I watch myself way more now. Some of my friend group would tear someone a new one for using the word as an insult.

Im wondering why being offended by gay jokes is still happening? get the irony...
It depends on the company you keep. where are you in the world where people don't get offended by that? Maybe in a place where it's ok to say faggot and no one would bat an eye?

It wasn't meant as an Internet crusade. Just surprising.

Equally surprising is how defensive this made some of you. I'm not going to call you a biggot. Keep calling your buddies homos I'm sure it makes you giggle.


I know what you mean there is nothing funny about gay
I'd watch that
Among friends perhaps, although a lot of my friends are LGBT. It's only funny to me when one of us says "that's gay" because of the irony.

I don't know you guys, I don't care about your sexual orientation. Just think there's more interesting insults than "that gay/you're a homo".

Oh I could tell. I'm just wondering why being gay is still used as a joke. See what I'm saying? It's funny that you said it to me. I know you didn't mean it as a hate crime, it's not like I'm a lesbian or anything.

(See what I did there)
where are you from man?
I've lived in a couple places in my life and you'd be surprised whats considered normal or just playful banter.
I'm from santa cruz, they is obviously quite the large LGBT community here.
I grew up in the modesto area in the CA valley.. quite the opposite atmosphere there.. homophobic to say the least
another example.. I used to have this ex girlfriend, she was half French, and half Italian, but had almost all her dads dark skin, she was beautiful but looked like a darker latina, anyways, when we went back to mississippi to meet her grandma, people looked at us like we were committing the biggest sin ever, me being a half irish, half german kid, and her looking EXACTLY like pocahantas...
my point is, and i'm sure you know this, is that people and their view of whats funny as a joke, can be severely offensive to some.
There are members from other countries, and other areas with far different outlooks on things than some of us do, and i'm surely not saying i'm better than anyone.. Nor am I judging anyone. You really have to have a thick skin to participate in the stuff here.. or to appreciate it rather...
Just don't let it get to you, or some of the juveniles will purposely push that.. think 7th grade maturity.. then you'll get it
oh, and I'm a piece oh shit like anyone else.
This forum, and toke n talk in particular, is FAR from anything politically correct..
I mean NOTHING offends me... but I've seen some shit... some shit I wish I could UNsee...
burned corneas with images... cereal in places that cereal should never, ever, be..
I digress.. anyways i'm done.
here.. let me get down..
th (28).jpg
where are you from man?
I've lived in a couple places in my life and you'd be surprised whats considered normal or just playful banter.
I'm from santa cruz, they is obviously quite the large LGBT community here.
I grew up in the modesto area in the CA valley.. quite the opposite atmosphere there.. homophobic to say the least
another example.. I used to have this ex girlfriend, she was half French, and half Italian, but had almost all her dads dark skin, she was beautiful but looked like a darker latina, anyways, when we went back to mississippi to meet her grandma, people looked at us like we were committing the biggest sin ever, me being a half irish, half german kid, and her looking EXACTLY like pocahantas...
my point is, and i'm sure you know this, is that people and their view of whats funny as a joke, can be severely offensive to some.
There are members from other countries, and other areas with far different outlooks on things than some of us do, and i'm surely not saying i'm better than anyone.. Nor am I judging anyone. You really have to have a thick skin to participate in the stuff here.. or to appreciate it rather...
Just don't let it get to you, or some of the juveniles will purposely push that.. think 7th grade maturity.. then you'll get it
oh, and I'm a piece oh shit like anyone else.
This forum, and toke n talk in particular, is FAR from anything politically correct..
I mean NOTHING offends me... but I've seen some shit... some shit I wish I could UNsee...
burned corneas with images... cereal in places that cereal should never, ever, be..
I digress.. anyways i'm done.
here.. let me get down..
View attachment 3641059
ill stop asking questions it's only a forum; no skin off my ass how strangers talk to each other.
i have no desire to try to change anyone's behaviour. Think posting pictures is more my style.


Now that's LGBT.
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