Fruit flys or what


Well-Known Member
Fungus gnats/fruit flies tend to be an ongoing problem in the to tool yourself up with all the weaponry suggested, then it's not to much trouble keeping them in check.
Sticky traps, "Gnat Off" larvae killer, diatomaceous earth....does the job in my grow.
(My son keeps trying to persuade me to put some young praying mantis in there... pmsl! o_O)

Skunk Baxter

Well-Known Member
It wouldn't be an official coco grow if some fungus gnats didn't show up to infest it.

There are two ways to handle it. One is to get a shotgun, wait for the little bastards to land on your leaves, and then blast them. Trouble is this can be hard on the plants, but the good news is, you won't have as many to trim and manicure come harvest.

The other way (which isn't as much fun, but probably makes more sense) is to use Gnatrol. It eliminates them almost as quickly as a shotgun, and has the added benefit of being somewhat more quiet (in case you have neighbors.)


Well-Known Member
I recently battled fungus gnats.
Things I did to rid them

1)I covered top soil with perlite tob trap the larvae and prevent them from breeding.

2) I put a shallow plastic container with water, dish soap, and vinegar. (Braggs Apple cider worked better than plain white). This attracted and drowned adults.

3) I let the top soil DRY out and when I had to feed, I bottom fed. Some day bottom feeding is no good. I'm this case it worked awesomely.

4) continued this for like 2 weeks, to be safe. Haven't seen one of those fuckers in a month.

Good luck!


Well-Known Member
I recently battled fungus gnats.
Things I did to rid them

1)I covered top soil with perlite tob trap the larvae and prevent them from breeding.

2) I put a shallow plastic container with water, dish soap, and vinegar. (Braggs Apple cider worked better than plain white). This attracted and drowned adults.

3) I let the top soil DRY out and when I had to feed, I bottom fed. Some day bottom feeding is no good. I'm this case it worked awesomely.

4) continued this for like 2 weeks, to be safe. Haven't seen one of those fuckers in a month.

Good luck!
Almost forgot, before adding perlite I did use h202 in a 1:4 ratio with water and soaked the top 2" of soil. Not sure if this helped or hindered the situation but if I had them again I would do exactly the same cuz it worked.

Joe Blows Trees

Well-Known Member
Just apply the diameaticous earth on top of the coco and that will kill any larvae coming up from the soil and kills adults that land on it. The coco shouldn't be too moist when you apply it.