Donald Trump

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They`re just simply looking to better their lives. Just ask them.
That was once true for most of them. Shit is so crazy down there now, i had to move from south texas. Why would anyone not want a wall, travel would still be permitted, just easier to monitor who and what is coming in.
Mexico is literally the most corrupt nation on earth, kidnapping capital with headless bodies hung from overpasses. Knowing who crosses is valid, in these times.
Plenty of Americans go to Mexico I almost did would still go if I had a babysitter it's not as dangerous as Afghanistan. Not to mention America is the only reason they have drug cartels if anything Mexico should be the ones building a wall to keep Americans out. Lol
Nothing hateful about having borders. I grew up on the border and years ago was involved in Marijuana and human trafficking. Things are really bad down there now and the Mexican coyotes rape and kill central American migrants for fun. Even mexicans are afraid to visit their own country it is so bad in tampulipas. Watch execution videos of Los zetas and read up on the corrupt sheriff's in south texas and you will see people in the Rio grande valley are living in real fear.

Yeah, it makes perfect sense to me that you are a Texan.

Plenty of Americans go to Mexico I almost did would still go if I had a babysitter it's not as dangerous as Afghanistan. Not to mention America is the only reason they have drug cartels if anything Mexico should be the ones building a wall to keep Americans out. Lol
They aren't going to Nuevo Laredo are they or ciudad mier?
More claims made by people to the media. I didn`t finish the movie because it started out as this guy say that with out actually interviewing the person making the claim but no problem writing it down or speaking for the person.

You can`t spot bullshit if you stepped in it.

Was this resolved and Trump found to be guilty as claimed?
Yeah, it's all the media's fault. trump has given no indications that he harbors such feelings. Bad, bad media. Whatever gets you to sleep at night, man. Your life would be so much better if you'd just embrace the hate.
Everyone including cops and schoolteachers are involved in crime in the valley. It's the whole economy.

why does your weed look so shitty?

he lives in colorado springs, which is low cost of living, and still has that cheaper-than-dogshit 1980s fake wood paneling on his walls.


and he says he makes $90k a year.


this guy is a mountain of bullshit.
I did live in a trailer with that kind of walls. Can't say I ever seen it in any house or apartment though.
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