What if Gary Johnson could make enough noise and gain a couple percent in the polls?they usually do not allow 3rd parties on the same stage as dem/rep.
He doesn't stand a chance, but if the choices are him, Trump, or Clinton...he gets the nod. No way in hell I want to see Trump or Clinton as potus!Imagine whom a President Gary Johnson would appoint to actually run our government? No longer a revolving door of incompetent cronies occupying these offices and holding our government hostage to their special interests
Supreme Court Justice (or Secretary of the Treasury)? Ron Paul
US Attorney General (or Secretary of State)? Rand Paul
I jest, but under the law (Constitution) no position is required to be occupied by a lawyer (except US Solicitor General), no less an elitist/aristocratic Harvard or Yale Law School graduate. My point is that the long needed reform in those corrupt institutions will come from competent outsiders and that's all Gary Johnson knows. As a Governor the media called him "the most dangerous politician in America" ...
That sounds too much like Hope &(for) Change to meEither that, or write in Santa Clause.
What is it about the Pauls that offend your political sensibilities so? Is it the Hippocratic oath required of their admirable and successful medical careers? I don't think you understand the meaning of hypocrisy ...lol.
rawn pawl!
just give up.
If that is what you actually think, then you are the one who is asleep!12 trillion in 8 years by Barrack Obama It's time to wake the fuck up People!