EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread

I've figured out you are so stricken with your boyfriend Bernie, that when he cheats on you, you make excuses for him and succumb to your emotional capture and get all Stockholm Syndromey.

Bernie loves the military industrial complex, when it delivers him votes.

i'm stricken and side with the facts.

you see, he doesn't have anyone to pay back..no need to 'deliver' anything..he owes no one..you see rob that's how it works..wall st. gives you money to get elected, and then you have to pay it back through voting their interest.
i'm stricken and side with the facts.

you see, he doesn't have anyone to pay back..no need to 'deliver' anything..he owes no one..you see rob that's how it works..wall st. gives you money to get elected, and then you have to pay it back through voting their interest.

Thank you for admitting that Bernie is a mercenary and will say one thing, but do another.
so you have issue with a person's skin..their looks?

i feel sorry for you..you're racism makes you miss out on life.

Hold your emotions of sorrow Princess. I'm not a racist, it's Bernie that votes to bomb more "foreigners", not me.

I sometimes feel sorry for people that use you're instead of your.