I'm considering moving to the Philippines

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Hi princess Of! Hey I love to eat adobo? Probably spelled wrong! Little ribs sooo good! We have huge flip community up here! They like the fishing. Very cool peoples!
Take a trip to Southeast Asia they love you long time over there. Lol
Dude. My first wife when I was like 20 was Phillipina. Pretty as hell too. I'll bet you could go to just about any large naval base and find they have a quite a Phillipina community. I mean we are talking about 30 years ago and I knew a lot of phillipina women around Norfolk VA. Soldiers wives. Divorcees, grown children of soldiers phillipina wives. Gotta be even more now.
a true macho pinoy would absolutely object to anything going near his ass lol
Do you smoke weed or hash? And how do you feel about cocaine, LSD and shrooms? Also what drugs have you tried?

Many fish in the sea but the cool woman are the only ones that matter in my opinion.

Also are you a super strict Catholic like a lot in the Philippines?
@bluntmassa1 I never tried any kind of drugs you are talking about.even smoking cigarette I never tried it.
Dude. My first wife when I was like 20 was Phillipina. Pretty as hell too. I'll bet you could go to just about any large naval base and find they have a quite a Phillipina community. I mean we are talking about 30 years ago and I knew a lot of phillipina women around Norfolk VA. Soldiers wives. Divorcees, grown children of soldiers phillipina wives. Gotta be even more now.

The trouble is they're American. And yes, I'm biased.
Hey what's up guys I just woke up.. Thank y'all for being nice.. Atleast for the most part.. @neosapien I have posted pics of her but some Ass hole doxed them and contacted her on Facebook. So before she does any of that, I need to teach her how to use a EXIF eraser, so that doesn't happen again.

@bluntmassa1 she hasn't ever smoked or done any drugs. Couple drinks but she is not a user.. She is only here to experience our culture and to have fun
The trouble is they're American. And yes, I'm biased.
She was bitchy as hell. But, perhaps, I'm a handful too. Do you like bunnies?

The Philippines is full of liberals that won't let you own a gun and grow weed.
You can get the death penalty for that.

They just passed a stricter gun law, I am sure you are aware of that.
yes but its 'all negotiable', if you have the money to pay the bribes, theres guns everywhere there, you can pretty much get anything for a very reasonable price, i would rather get caught there with a gun than in a strict state with unbribable authorities, also since madam odanksta is filipina citizen she will find it pretty easy to get gun licence, especially if odanksta starts business in fils and needs firearm to protect business
My gandpa was Bataan death marched. He escaped, on the run for 6months before being recaptured again. POW for 3yrs.
He said he didn't really like the Philippines
Hey we have house in Bataan,,,If he is one of the Bataan death Marched for sure he dont like it there.But now its totally different actually I used to visit there every time I'm taking my vacay.Its a lot of activities you can make there but I cant do all because we have house as well in Manila then Quezon made me tired back and fort and for sure @ODanksta will gonna kill me for always travelling there..Lol
Hey we have house in Bataan,,,If he is one of the Bataan death Marched for sure he dont like it there.But now its totally different actually I used to visit there every time I'm taking my vacay.Its a lot of activities you can make there but I cant do all because we have house as well in Manila then Quezon made me tired back and fort and for sure @ODanksta will gonna kill me for always travelling there..Lol
That's cute babe!!

The Philippines is full of liberals that won't let you own a gun and grow weed.
You can get the death penalty for that.

They just passed a stricter gun law, I am sure you are aware of that.
yes but its 'all negotiable', if you have the money to pay the bribes, theres guns everywhere there, you can get pretty much get anything for a very reasonable price, i would rather get caught there with a gun than in a strict state with unbribable authorities, also since madam odanksta is filipina citizen she will find it pretty easy to get gun licence, especially if odanksta starts business in fils and needs firearm to protect business
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