I'm considering moving to the Philippines

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yes but its 'all negotiable', if you have the money to pay the bribes, theres guns everywhere there, you can pretty much get anything for a very reasonable price, i would rather get caught there with a gun than in a strict state with unbribable authorities, also since madam odanksta is filipina citizen she will find it pretty easy to get gun licence, especially if odanksta starts business in fils and needs firearm to protect business
Take a trip to Southeast Asia they love you long time over there. Lol
Take a trip to Southeast Asia they love you long time over there. Lol
Are the beaches nice there? Habe
Yes it is me and @ODanksta will goin there soon...
Has anyone looked at the penalties of growing weed in the pines? @ODanksta you leaning toward moving there or her here?

My friend, he was planning to move their. I posted about it very early on.

I'll be honest. I don't know much, but I think we have it better in Murica even though sometimes I'm not proud of my country anymore. We spoilt homie. Period. End of discussion. Poor people here in the US are the middle class of some countries. Just sayin. Peace and love.
Hey princess you'll love the snow! Cozy warm fire a nice warm drink & your man how cool is that! Where he's@ is an amazing beautiful state all year long. Make him take you camping in a tent! Cabin s nice too more $. I lived in ft. Collins for a spell
Has anyone looked at the penalties of growing weed in the pines? @ODanksta you leaning toward moving there or her here?

My friend, he was planning to move their. I posted about it very early on.

I'll be honest. I don't know much, but I think we have it better in Murica even though sometimes I'm not proud of my country anymore. We spoilt homie. Period. End of discussion. Poor people here in the US are the middle class of some countries. Just sayin. Peace and love.
everyone from a first world country would benefit if they spent a few mths in at least 2 third world countries in their lives, it makes the true picture of the struggle to survive for most of the worlds super poor a reality, and not just another miserable tv ad asking for a donation for such & such tragedy in nepal or sudan etc
Hey princess you'll love the snow! Cozy warm fire a nice warm drink & your man how cool is that! Where he's@ is an amazing beautiful state all year long. Make him take you camping in a tent! Cabin s nice too more $. I lived in ft. Collins for a spell
I really dont have any idea if I will love the snow.Because I'm a person really weak in a cold weather.I remembered I told him maybe if I'm there with him I cant do anything just in bed with thick blanket,,,OMG I can't imagine myself like that..LOL
I really dont have any idea if I will love the snow.Because I'm a person really weak in a cold weather.I remembered I told him maybe if I'm there with him I cant do anything just in bed with thick blanket,,,OMG I can't imagine myself like that..LOL
You'll be fine babe.. It's not really that cold. I'm from Texas and it is hot as hell and humid there.. I wasn't bad at all. Mainly the elevation was my issue.. Like shortness of breath.. Lol two beers get you drunk in the mountains..
I really dont have any idea if I will love the snow.Because I'm a person really weak in a cold weather.I remembered I told him maybe if I'm there with him I cant do anything just in bed with thick blanket,,,OMG I can't imagine myself like that..LOL
Can't stay in bed under a blanket you need to run outside split some fire wood and throw it in the wood stove or you can just let your pipes burst and spend thousands and hope the black mold don't kill you. Lol
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