Is Islamic terror a way of life now for peaceful Europeans? Brussels attack.....


Well-Known Member
You said "It's not hard to make money", that sounds like a pretty broad generalization to me, especially when you consider the actual numbers of people who do find it hard to make money. More than half of working Americans make less than $30K a year, that's something like 80 million people. So if your claim is accurate, why do so many hard working people earn so little?

I suspect you don't believe people working full time as teachers, factory workers, fast food employees, etc. work hard, is that accurate?

Do you think someone like Mark Zuckerberg works harder than someone making $30K a year? If so, do you think his wealth/income accurately reflects how much harder he works than someone making $30K?
I dont think it is your place nor the governments place to judge how hard anyone works. And yes, I think Mark Zuckerberg works 24/7. I think his wealth/income reflects how he managed to leverage his knowledge and connections into a business employing hundreds of thousands if not millions of people. His company writes huge paychecks every week. That is a side of the business owners that nobody seems to talk about.

Most people cant or wont do what it takes to make good money so they opt for the best job they think they can find. Is that the fault of someone other than the person seeking employment?


Well-Known Member
I dont think it is your place nor the governments place to judge how hard anyone works. And yes, I think Mark Zuckerberg works 24/7. I think his wealth/income reflects how he managed to leverage his knowledge and connections into a business employing hundreds of thousands if not millions of people. His company writes huge paychecks every week. That is a side of the business owners that nobody seems to talk about.

Most people cant or wont do what it takes to make good money so they opt for the best job they think they can find. Is that the fault of someone other than the person seeking employment?
Making money is not hard, it just takes hard work.
Then why are you judging how hard people work? The implication you're making is that people are poor because they don't want to work hard. If you just work hard, you won't be poor. Except more than 80 million Americans work hard and remain relatively poor, and jobs like the ones I listed in the previous post are hard jobs that are underpaid and don't accurately reflect how hard a person works.

If all you had to do was work hard, there would be very few people living in poverty (15.1% in 2010, 22% of kids)

What I find very strange is that you recognize the corruption that takes place in government, but don't acknowledge the corporate side of the equation. How special interests legally bribe politicians to represent their interests that very often conflict with the interests of the American people and how that affects this issue. I think it's probably because you don't want to criticize the "free-market" aspect of capitalism and your stance on deregulation, economic policy and taxes because it would compromise your libertarian viewpoint. Which might make more sense if you could defend it.


Well-Known Member
Look at the way the federal reserve operates (a privately owned institution)

Debt enslavement is the name of the game.

defaulting mortgage payments were the cause of the 2008 crash (deregulation of the banking industry allowed wall st parasites to remove credit risks and place them into AAA rated bundles so they incentivised the selling of mortgages, on teaser rates, to those who can't afford them...they then insured these bundles against failing, sold them to unsuspecting investors but kept the insurance on them as they knew they'd fail and would be paid out in future. Fucking parasites)

So ask yourself this;
If we couldn't allow the banks to fail, so we created loads of new money (quantative easing) and gave it to the banks...why not go one step further and make the repayments to people's mortgages?

End result is the same regards the banks, they don't fail as they receive the new money via mortgage repayments.

You have all you need to know about the game and how it's played right there.

Iceland sent it's banksters to jail.

We like Iceland.

Debt enslavement is the name of the game


Well-Known Member
Debt enslavement guys, it's the name of the game.

Every dollar bill printed has interest attached, the federal reserve is a privately owned institution (something your forefathers faught hard to resist. Your ex president Andrew Jackson claimed stoping the creation of a privately owned central bank was the proudest achievement of his career)

It still happened (Google JP Morgan, Jekyll island, fed reserve for full story)

still, I'm just a bullshitting limey, what would I know of American affairs?
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Well-Known Member
Still, it doesn't appear to matter what knowledge you share with some people (I doubt they search what I suggest for fear of uncomfortable truths)

Some people don't want truths. Easier to just hate Muslims, black people, white people, pygmies, clowns....anything really

Hatred to some is like a pacifier to a baby so dismiss my posts and get back to hating if you like.

You can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead mate

kudos to anyone who knows that lyric without googling it :)


Well-Known Member
Final point, before I start my bank holiday with my family...

I absolutely love this site.

Loads of good knowledge on many issues, loads of well meaning, helpful decent types.

I sometimes find myself focusing on negatives so wanted to share this

Have a wonderful day y'all :)


Well-Known Member
Look at the way the federal reserve operates (a privately owned institution)

Debt enslavement is the name of the game.

defaulting mortgage payments were the cause of the 2008 crash (deregulation of the banking industry allowed wall st parasites to remove credit risks and place them into AAA rated bundles so they incentivised the selling of mortgages, on teaser rates, to those who can't afford them...they then insured these bundles against failing, sold them to unsuspecting investors but kept the insurance on them as they knew they'd fail and would be paid out in future. Fucking parasites)

So ask yourself this;
If we couldn't allow the banks to fail, so we created loads of new money (quantative easing) and gave it to the banks...why not go one step further and make the repayments to people's mortgages?

End result is the same regards the banks, they don't fail as they receive the new money via mortgage repayments.

You have all you need to know about the game and how it's played right there.

Iceland sent it's banksters to jail.

We like Iceland.

Debt enslavement is the name of the game
Debt enslavement guys, it's the name of the game.

Every dollar bill printed has interest attached, the federal reserve is a privately owned institution (something your forefathers faught hard to resist. Your ex president Andrew Jackson claimed stoping the creation of a privately owned central bank was the proudest achievement of his career)

It still happened (Google JP Morgan, Jekyll island, fed reserve for full story)

still, I'm just a bullshitting limey, what would I know of American affairs?
Still, it doesn't appear to matter what knowledge you share with some people (I doubt they search what I suggest for fear of uncomfortable truths)

Some people don't want truths. Easier to just hate Muslims, black people, white people, pygmies, clowns....anything really

Hatred to some is like a pacifier to a baby so dismiss my posts and get back to hating if you like.

You can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead mate

kudos to anyone who knows that lyric without googling it :)