Farting on plants

I suffer from chronic gas. So sometimes, when my room mate is here, I'll fart in my grow tent so my filter will take care of the smell. My fan is a 400 cfm. Is there any way that my fart gas can hurt my plants? Any input is appreciated.
Yes I do this all the time, the neighbors roar with laughter,

I do recommend that you eat less fats ..even meats,

a higher veg count in your diet, will eliminate that horrid splatter you can get with a large meat diet

in time you will note that dropping your pants avoids any necessary stains on the inside of your underwear

for that, I like most here get around in shorts

good luck
This is a serious concern. I don't appreciate all you neanderthalers getting a laugh out of my worries.
I apologize I made a joke, aparently at your expense. That isn't what I am about.. Farts are harmless at the concentrations you expell you could seal the tent and hang out over night without worries for your plants. Although you personally use more 0xygen then the plants provide so in a truly sealed tent you wouldn't survive, as eventually you'd be lacking oxygen. I know this in part due to a Mythbusters episode.

If you are opening doors swinging temps and/or humidity this can stunt growth. I have never seen a strain of mj that did well under extreme temp drop that happens instantly. You might even notice her leafs droop and I think that is because she thinks a storm is coming and so she releases a hormone to prepare. Whatever the reason it doesn't yield a positive response so try to keep that in mind.
I apologize I made a joke, aparently at your expense. That isn't what I am about.. Farts are harmless at the concentrations you expell you could seal the tent and hang out over night without worries for your plants. Although you personally use more 0xygen then the plants provide so in a truly sealed tent you wouldn't survive, as eventually you'd be lacking oxygen. I know this in part due to a Mythbusters episode.

If you are opening doors swinging temps and/or humidity this can stunt growth. I have never seen a strain of mj that did well under extreme temp drop that happens instantly. You might even notice her leafs droop and I think that is because she thinks a storm is coming and so she releases a hormone to prepare. Whatever the reason it doesn't yield a positive response so try to keep that in mind.

I'm just kidding, man. I think you underestimate my bowel's power after taco night.
I suffer from chronic gas. So sometimes, when my room mate is here, I'll fart in my grow tent so my filter will take care of the smell. My fan is a 400 cfm. Is there any way that my fart gas can hurt my plants? Any input is appreciated.
Methane is not good for plants.....

As an old hippie once said,
"Grow and the whole world will grow with you,
Fart and you shall toke alone......"

(It was something like that, I cant remember the exact quote )
I imagine the carbonation would both help lower the pH and give the plant a CO2 boost... it's kind of the same effect.

Plant roots need oxygen not Co2

Sugars in mountain dew would be available to plant, but effects may be more negative than positive. The inerts within the soda may in fact lock up other nutrients within your medium.

Soda and / or farts not good...

Yes there was a member just recently

made his plants drink Mountain Dew

just use the search ...lol
I'm glad I stumbled upon this post I draw air from my bathroom using the extractor hole, and stopped using that toilet for fear of shit tasting weed. Now reading this i might start using it again but the difference being your talking farts in the tent but mine would be having a shat in the room I draw air from what do people think on this ?
I'm glad I stumbled upon this post I draw air from my bathroom using the extractor hole, and stopped using that toilet for fear of shit tasting weed. Now reading this i might start using it again but the difference being your talking farts in the tent but mine would be having a shat in the room I draw air from what do people think on this ?
haha go ahead fire away
It works the balls. I like so much I have an empty 2 liter mt dew bottle with me when I go out don't wanna waste any. The only draw back is its hard to aim it into the bottle. Im gonna use a funnel and see if that will condense it down easier. If I figure it out im gonna make some pretty labels and sell that shit at the hydro store
in 'merica maybe thanks to 'southpark'..quepping? is seen as a serious crime

quepping as in a women farting out her vagina, is seen as a serious social crime.

Back in the 70's farting was seen as just as bad, even amongst other guys

too many, it was a shitty attempt to get some attention out of your buddies

and you were stamped a jerk, nowadays its no more a crime than a sneeze ..lol

but God Help You if you are a women, and let one Quepp. slip

anywhere on the planet .....lol

"Oh but honey you let one off, why can't I ?"

can be heard thru out the land, post Thanksgiving ....lol