I'm considering moving to the Philippines

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Well-Known Member

Fuck I lost power for 10 days on a 14k run in dallas last year. It wasn't my fault, but I posted it. Because I am real as fuck.

Fuck I am lazy too. Who cares.

It's nothing. Nobody cares.
why do you think your growing habits are the same as mine? Like I said...IM in my grow too much to let shit die. I barely leave the house, cannabis is my life/work/love


Well-Known Member
None y'all know how to grow weed. If y'all had good weed? All this drama well. Hmm. MY weed all about the peace. All about the love it's so chill.

Shit @ODanksta Hope you don't overlook this obvious opportunity to fling with the slightly older local. Dude, I could tell you about that time. Hell I was right about your age. Working two jobs. Man she was so motherly to me. She was freeking awesome dude!

I mean you know. Like short term. I miss havin that. She's like way older and different now tho. She prolly thinks of me sometimes too. :rolleyes:

Just one of those adventures.


Well-Known Member
So Dia I am just making all this up right? And my motive would be?
Who cares you know most stoners have compassion & are pretty melow. The tone of that person is NOT of the healing loving LIGHT! I probably catch hell for that. I don't care. Just doesn't sound supportive@ all. Fuck that negitive bs. You stay positive odank you'll need it for the days ahead

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Grandparents have been taking care of the child. She works in Qatar and sends her money to her parents.. Sounds fine to me..

That is there culture, same as Hispanics
Hey broski,,Don't throw my people into this shit. besides, Hispanic mom's don't leave their children. . It's the dad's that leave, the women breastfeed their kids till their 15 . Hispanic mom's that leave their kids for more then a shift are considered perras. Not saying any of this applys to your situation , I'm just speaking about Mexico. In general.


Well-Known Member
@ODanksta . In life sometimes you gotta shut the fuck up. Plead the fifth. Act drunk and stupid. And innocent at the same time. Isolate yourself from the rest of the world. And just hide in your closet till shit blows over. Then come back out and do it all over again. :bigjoint:

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I like that dank likes this chick.. I hate that he's the way he is and by that I mean he's a sucker. Way to nice. way to willing to get the shit end of the stick. When you act like that all your doing is setting yourself up for disaster. In reality you're not OK with getting the shit end of the stick, Nobody is. @Princess Odanksta2 it's nice that Danks offers the world very beautiful gesture. It's completely wrong for you to take him up on his offer. If you move out with him make sure you pull your weight and dont take advantave of this nice guy. don't send all your money back home. 50 /50 is the only way things work. You need to give as much as he does..and I'm not just talking about money. Effort and respect is what will make it or break it...

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Hey broski,,Don't throw my people into this shit. besides, Hispanic mom's don't leave their children. . It's the dad's that leave, the women breastfeed their kids till their 15 . Hispanic mom's that leave their kids for more then a shift are considered perras. Not saying any of this applys to your situation , I'm just speaking about Mexico. In general.
I just wanted to stress and reinforce the bold part of the post I quoted. Like if you should be home by 8 and you get home at 10.. you're a dumb irresponsible whore that doesn't want to take care of her kids.. by ten or clock the next morning, Every one will know that you're out there doing things you shouldn't be doing instead of taking care of your kids.. Mexicans are vicious shit talkers. Older ladies are the worst.

Seriously not exaggerating at all. That's how it is for the most part.


Well-Known Member
All this negativity god now I got to smoke mass! Damn it! Look this is what you say get point across not being mean or MOUTHY!
When you fall in love, those feelings are soo huge in the beginning. It can overshadow the reality's of the bigger picture of life.
See? No low blows you grow like shit no you do. Come on WE All want to grow chronic right? Look @ me I have nobody to share with my wee grow with. My hub no smoke. My bff died &2 other buds moved away. Sounds pathetic but I don't have any friends anymore.


Well-Known Member
As far as I know. Ain't a damn thang happened. Yet conclusions have been drawn. WTF? Fuck this soap opera. I might just fucking buckle up my jeans. Damn. I still got jeans on! And venture out the front door and check my mailbox. Damn. I'm on vaca. What's y'alls excuse? o_O
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