The official Hillary Clinton will be our next president thread

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You think they are in a marriage? Mind body and soul?

I think they just hooked up to get the family vote and lower taxes.

People who love each other don't want anyone else sucking their man's Johnson or fiddling with their wife's bean.

The both of them are expert deceivers.
Can you take a picture of your ankle and post it here?
It's not over 'til it's over.

C'mon California we need you to pull through for Senator Sanders!

Clinton is in the tank and taking money from private prisons, big pharma, voted Iraq... it's insane, she literally represents everything "the left" hated about Bush and yet complacency on behalf of everyone who would support her.

You want to let a husband/wife/father/son run the country for a few decades..... didn't we leave tyranny once?

Take from the rich give to the poor?

We're losing trillions... literally, and pissing money off on high tech war ships that won't see daylight. I think we can feed a few humans.

Take care of the physiological needs of people (ya know, humans), and we can work up from there. This what Bernie talks about.

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We're going to have 2 legitimate choices for president in November (and a bunch of others who won't get 2% combined).
One will have a D by the name, one will have an R. Considering the field of candidates left, what the fuck are you going to do?

It's likely both will suck...and you can pick the lesser of 2 evils or be disenfranchised...

I'll pick the D and expect another 4 years of obstruction. That's just the way it is with no end in sight. Hey, I like Sanders too, but if middle-of-the-road Obama is blocked does anybody actually believe far more liberal Bernie will have more success? They'd block everything he proposes.

Hillary is what's left...she has the delegates right now, and we're stuck with that. Unless you think the guy who divides people and instigates violence at his rallies would be better...

Maybe it's a new definition for the term "off year election".
your side has been saying that for years going all the way back to ken starr. you clowns are either the most inept investigators in history or there's nothing there.

american has once again spoken and have concluded there's nothing there but right wing limp dick accusations.

"We" conservatives are not the ones doing the investigation dumb nuts, the FBI is which has now risen to 147 investigators & staff assigned as reported by The Five, FOX news yesterday. Some of her staff have been given legal immunity to testify also. She's as crooked as a dog's hind leg and any honest person with half a brain knows it.

Not that I really give a shit about all the conned libtards in never-never land, but they do deserve a resolution with the impending election.

Only with an indictment will Sanders have a chance.
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Hey, I like Sanders too, but if middle-of-the-road Obama is blocked does anybody actually believe far more liberal Bernie will have more success?

For starts, Obama has gotten almost everything he's sought like funding the budget along with Planned Parenthood, raising the debt ceiling, pulling out of Iraq which has resulted in the rise of ISIS and world destruction.

This party of "no" stuff is left wing propaganda. Now, if it's wrong and not good for the country, then "it" needs to be rebuked.

"We" conservatives are not the ones doing the investigation dumb nuts, the FBI is which has now risen to 147 investigators & staff assigned as reported by The Five, FOX news yesterday. Some of her staff have been given legal immunity to testify also. She's as crooked as a dog's hind leg and any honest person with half a brain knows it.

Not that I really give a shit about all the conned libtards in never-never land, but they do deserve a resolution with the impending election.

Only with an indictment will Sanders have a chance.
In your words, what crime do you think Hill Pill was perpetrating when using this private e-mail server?
For starts, Obama has gotten almost everything he's sought like funding the budget along with Planned Parenthood, raising the debt ceiling, pulling out of Iraq which has resulted in the rise of ISIS and world destruction.

This party of "no" stuff is left wing propaganda. Now, if it's wrong and not good for the country, then "it" needs to be rebuked.

Obama is VERY middle of the road...and you're completely off the road smashed up in a ditch on the right side of it. Better upgrade to the premium AAA membership...and I STILL think I saw you punch somebody at a Trump rally. :hump:
Obama is VERY middle of the road...and you're completely off the road smashed up in a ditch on the right side of it. Better upgrade to the premium AAA membership...and I STILL think I saw you punch somebody at a Trump rally. :hump:
Exactly. The reactionary right has gone so far in that direction, they make a centrist like Obama and a Right of center candidate like Hillary seem liberal. One criticism of Trump is that he's not a true conservative. LOL.
She cares more about her political career than she does her own personal stances. You can go back and see a few notable examples on how she change her mind on both social and economic issues.

In reality, they are all a bunch of worthless sacks of crap who get paid way more than they should to run a country they know nothing about. Washington is so far away from the common man it's sickening. I don't want revolution and I don't want anarchy but something has to change ya'll.
The facts are Bernie has smoked the last how many 7, 8, primaries?

Those who have the power (Hillary's friends) want you to believe she is the inevitable candidate.... they said the same about a man I know who lives in a white house in DC.
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