No tools to build cabinet


Well-Known Member
anyone get a cabinet builder to build or cut out holes etc for your custom box? Is the electrical part difficult, handing placing fans and odor reducers? Anyone know of 420 cabinet builders. Thanks for any help. Just can't afford manufacturing grow box. Limited due to disability, funds and tools. 420 USA!


Well-Known Member
Size ?
Price range ?

Maybe cheaper to buy a small tent...
Basically buy a cabinet and have it stealth. Must be stealth. If I can get a cabinet builder to cut holes need for intake, outtake etc. place a hanger for lights that can adjust. Price 500$. Size yield of 8oz per harvest. 4' wide 2.5' deep 5.5, tall


How stealth are we press/plywood or something looking like a huge dresser... I'm still thinking of a small inexpensive tent set-up

Are you in a legal state?
Are you scripted?
State card?
Can't very well find someone to build you an illegal stealth op
I'm in cali...on 215 since 04
You can always find a handyman that wouldn't mind building a box


Well-Known Member
Well moved from legal state due to cost of living. Had script, tent would be great thou for you. Maybe a handy man. Need Meds. It's unreal not having Meds now.


Well-Known Member
You can get a nice tent for 5 bills but if you're looking more stealth have cut out what you need at your local hardware store. They'll do it for free