Gold Prospecting Adventure

I've got my doubts on the equipment working accurately and locating gold.
I hope its all it says it is. Even if it gives me a small edge cause even a small edge in the metal detecting and gold prospecting world can get you to more locations faster, so even if I do pick up 85 trash items and 15 valuables in a day Im fine with that cause with just a detector Id be walking more miles and covering less ground causre I dont know what area the metal is in. This thing just brings me to a what looks to be a 4x4 foot area and then gotta find it with the metal detector. Its coming this weekend with the detector, Im going to hit the beach as practice cause its gonna be cold as a bitch so no one should be out there besides other scavengers like myself lol. Im going to record all my results and Ill post a video when Im done if all goes as planned. This is one of the only instructables and proven field tests of the model 20 this guy is showing. The videos and reviews are very limited, and I think these are originally used to find meteorites? Anyways sorry about the book Im just excited to try something new and fun.

I'm pulling for ya, I'll buy one too if it produces. I love being outside fucking around and getting dirty.
Theres a place about a half an hour away from here where Marie Antoinette lost her huge diamond necklace on a little mountain near an old mine. Noone has found it to this day they day, so they say. Could you imagine the worth of that. Oh boy, my fever is getting high haha. Ill keep you posted my friend thank you.
What a score. Theres a lot of areas to find some gold around here. Very mineral rich and to be honest Im not trying to make a paycheck from it I just love being in the woods in the middle of nowhere with nothing but the sounds of the wild and mosquitos to bother me. The feeling of the sun beating off the river water early in the morning and listening to the crashing of the water on the rocks, and trout swiming around your feet is just perfect. i doint think Id rather be anywhere else to be honest.
Sluicing is fun, try that first.
Most prospecting for gold starts and ends with a pan, remember that. Practice your panning first, then move up to a sluice;-). Thats what I recommend. Then if you find a good spot, and the law lets you, move on up to a highbanker or dredge. Or a highbanker/dredge combo:-) very fun stuff for sure.
Keep in mind, when metal detecting, you'll usually find about 10,000 pieces of trash to one piece of gold. That shit drives me fucking nuts! :wall:
My uncle used to have his own gold mine on the back of his property near Jackson, Ca. My cousins both panned. One lost her high school class ring while panning and recovered it about a mile down river 8 years later, while panning. Not a bad hobby.
I've heard about lots of gold still coming out of around there. When I lived in Stockton we would shoot over there and prospect where we could, dry creek etc. I would always end up gambling at Jackson Rancheria though :oops:
in Ru there is much study using plants to extract fine gold using plant roots

maybe lay out a crop of fine weed, over your claim

come back in 12 -15 weeks harvest and wash the roots in ur pan ,,lol

gurgle for more

good luck
in Ru there is much study using plants to extract fine gold using plant roots

maybe lay out a crop of fine weed, over your claim

come back in 12 -15 weeks harvest and wash the roots in ur pan ,,lol

gurgle for more

good luck
huh? gurgle?

Theres a place about a half an hour away from here where Marie Antoinette lost her huge diamond necklace on a little mountain near an old mine. Noone has found it to this day they day, so they say. Could you imagine the worth of that. Oh boy, my fever is getting high haha. Ill keep you posted my friend thank you.
you are in France?
you are in France?
In 1788 Marie Antoinette contrated with this guy who was a skilled jeweler in France to design and make the most exquisite DIAMOND necklace. Men were sent all over the UK to get the finest DIAMONDS available. The co$t to Marie was in excess of the French equivalent of $1 million. Now at this time the French Revolution 1789-1799 overthrew the monarchy of are good budy King Louis XVI. As popular discontent rose in the early part of 1789 Marie got concerned that the slimy peasants would take all her crap. As the pace of the Revolution picked up Marie packed up the DIAMOND necklace in a small metal box and than into a wooden trunk it was than shipped to Canada. At that time hundreds of Frenchmen were in eastern Canada and the political sympathies of many were still with the ruling government. The war got all bloody and Marie lost her head on Oct 16 1793.
you are in France?
Around 1790 2 men transported a wooden trunk from Canada to Nashua, NH. In Nashua the 2 men set up camp. 2 years later 1 of the men retuned to Canada. The other guy got concerned about the security of the trunk so he buried it not far fromthe shoreline.