Well-Known Member
I hope its all it says it is. Even if it gives me a small edge cause even a small edge in the metal detecting and gold prospecting world can get you to more locations faster, so even if I do pick up 85 trash items and 15 valuables in a day Im fine with that cause with just a detector Id be walking more miles and covering less ground causre I dont know what area the metal is in. This thing just brings me to a what looks to be a 4x4 foot area and then gotta find it with the metal detector. Its coming this weekend with the detector, Im going to hit the beach as practice cause its gonna be cold as a bitch so no one should be out there besides other scavengers like myself lol. Im going to record all my results and Ill post a video when Im done if all goes as planned. This is one of the only instructables and proven field tests of the model 20 this guy is showing. The videos and reviews are very limited, and I think these are originally used to find meteorites? Anyways sorry about the book Im just excited to try something new and fun.I've got my doubts on the equipment working accurately and locating gold.