Much appreciated. This is the only place I've seen that specifies where on the plant you should check the trichomes.
I'm getting very close to harvest and was wondering if you could go into a little more detail on starting at the top and letting the bottom flower a little longer?
Is there maybe a link that goes into more detail on this? I've looked around but haven't seen anything but I could just be bad at googling!
I'm a first time grower and this is where I'm at currently. These are from top, middle and bottom in order.
I'm getting very close to harvest and was wondering if you could go into a little more detail on starting at the top and letting the bottom flower a little longer?
Is there maybe a link that goes into more detail on this? I've looked around but haven't seen anything but I could just be bad at googling!
I'm a first time grower and this is where I'm at currently. These are from top, middle and bottom in order.