Hello from the other side,I told you fools a 1000 times

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Well-Known Member
Well, isn't a room that's setup to take advantage of its lighting by definition the proper way to do it?

And why should it be the same, if the lighting has different properties?

This statement makes less sense to me the more closely I examine it. I know you aren't just trying to be contrary, so help me out here?
Let me ask you this. Do you think that grower's vert setup played into the cob's strengths?.........looked like just a swap out to me.

You told me before that your selling a system right? Cob vert Fixture and room where designed for each other........how's it doing compared to your previous hid runs?


Well-Known Member
Let me ask you this. Do you think that grower's vert setup played into the cob's strengths?.........looked like just a swap out to me.

You told me before that your selling a system right? Cob vert Fixture and room where designed for each other........how's it doing compared to your previous hid runs?
His first design, a box with COBS on all four sides, seemed like it had the best chance of doing well in his setup. I think taking it apart may have dissipated its performance too much.

I'm in the middle of the very first run and it's promising but I've had my own challenges, most of which are unrelated to the COB LED lights or their performance. One thing that's related is they don't want high EC like my HID lit plants do.


Well-Known Member
His first design, a box with COBS on all four sides, seemed like it had the best chance of doing well in his setup.

Yeah because a DIRECTIONAL light source(cobs) are going to compete with a OMNI-DIRECTIONAL light source (hid) in a VERTICAL system:roll:............
So you're saying cobs are too directional to compete with hid in a vertical setup.... Or all directional light sources? You are right on only one. If he would have used the Cree leds actually meant for horticulture instead of falling for the cob fad he could have used the directionality as an advantage. A lot of the light in his vertical hps grows (older ones anyway) is wasted by iluminating the ceiling and he should still use reflectors, at the socket, a disc or vietnamese hat shaped reflector. So it's not like all the hps light in his grows actually reaches the plants, far from it. He could yield the same in a normal grow with higher plant count.

The whole vertical thing is a result of using hps, and does compare and translate poorly to led. It becomes rather irrelevant with led. A vertical led grow... Silly by itself. Plants grow vertical and when used properly, led is extremely suitable for inter crop lighting, He surely would have had better results with top down lighting combined with essentially side lighting, what a hps does in a vertical grow where you replace all top down lighting with all side lighting.

grower shouldn't even have wasted his time/money tbh


Well-Known Member
im thinking he woulda done better with 4 chips per fixture driven to the ful 200w and used those difuser lens over the cob to spread out the light and also so they could be run a bit closer?


Well-Known Member
@Sativied funny shit is it can be done but would cost an arm and a leg to do it. To make the cobs go vert, you'd first have them run soft and then you'll need some cobs overhead with lenses or reflectors. Every 400watts of cob light produces about a pound of dried.


Well-Known Member
It's kind of a local, "inside" joke around here to use the phrase, "about a pound"...sorry if it seemed I was in disbelief or anything. :)
Haha, I should have known by the way you wrote it. I don't get how people can get so worked up over 25% of the equation. Reminds me of the nutrient arguments. Too many other variables at work.


Well-Known Member
Big deal.

Can Double Ended or LED do better than our solar system's sun?
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bud bootlegger
Am I the only one who noticed that on march 16th the LED's were "holding their own against the hid", then march 17-18th attitude totally changed and hid is "fucking thumping them"?
Really?!? 2days later and his mind is made up?
yeah, i noticed that too, and only pix in the op, and nothing more.. i'm far from taking sides, just saying you're not the only one who noticed..


Well-Known Member
Big deal.

Can Double Ended or LED do better than our solar system's sun?
Ahhh yeah because of the UV and IR which is really bad for us lol skin cancer is caused by the sun and if it's raining outside I still have light lol. The OP who started this thread really can't grow that's why he's hating on LED lol


Well-Known Member
idk i looked at the thread and it looks like he is powering the cobs @700ma which is driving them soft.but i noticed no bud pics in the last few pages just that he says the hps are killing the cobs.maybe he is trying to feed his plants like hps and needs more time adjusting to led growing? and this is not a post to start arguements im just looking at an unfinished journal is all.def more pics woulda been nice
The OP from that thread thought that because his drivers were rated at 200W that each panel was dissipating 200W, for a total of 800W. The reality is that they're only pulling around 0.7A * 70V * 3 * 4 = 588W, not 800W.

He thinks he's using an 800W lamp when he's only using a 588W lamp.


Well-Known Member
588W at 55% = 323.4W of PAR


1000W at 42% efficiency = 420W of PAR.

Using "LED logic" alone, it should have been obvious that the gavita would beat the LED. The 1000W lamp produces a lot more light. (~96.6W of PAR more) If it was actually 800W and 55% efficient, it would produce 440W of PAR (a mere 20W more than the 42% efficient lamp at 1000W)

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
Ahhh yeah because of the UV and IR which is really bad for us lol skin cancer is caused by the sun and if it's raining outside I still have light lol. The OP who started this thread really can't grow that's why he's hating on LED lol
Typical response from a led luser who just posted pics of his horrible looking led grown buds. LMFAO

excuses @ 50% efficiency=100% bullshit.
more excuses and a insult to anyone who disagrees with L.E.D lusers


What's with all the cob hate though? Someone started a thread to gloat at the first thought of hps out performing Cree cobs? That thread is a comparison of 600w, 108k lumens of Cree cob vs 1000w, 145k lumens of vert hps. Comparing equal lumens(800w of cobs at that efficiency, not 600w), or equal watts of cobs would be more appropriate.

HID is still good tech, and with cob tech pretty expensive, it offers a low startup cost alternative. If it couldn't afford the right amount of cob lumens to replace my hps lumens then I'd stick with hps.


Well-Known Member
There's pockets of COB-a-phobia. Not sure why. It's like a song you can't get outta your head I imagine.

Like so many other large scale denials, at some point you have to abandon reality and science to keep your denial active. Like denying the world is a sphere - you have to abandon science to continue to enjoy that little ditty.
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