For the love of god help?

This is only my second post and hopefully it goes better than my first. Everyone attacked me for asking them to "prove they're better than grasscity" which i thought would be a fun thread.. but apparently not.

Anyways i posted this pic on grasscity at least 6 times in 4 different places and I've got 0 help whatsoever. One troll added "it's a problem with the grower not the plant"

The leaves are turning sort of limeish green with rust/brown spots appearing overnight. Leaves seem to be drying and curling. Ive been spraying neem oil for the past 5 days since i noticed cobwebs but my problem just gets worse. I ask the people of roll it up to help out a foreigner, any advice would be much appreciated.


Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
This is only my second post and hopefully it goes better than my first. Everyone attacked me for asking them to "prove they're better than grasscity" which i thought would be a fun thread.. but apparently not.

Anyways i posted this pic on grasscity at least 6 times in 4 different places and I've got 0 help whatsoever. One troll added "it's a problem with the grower not the plant"

The leaves are turning sort of limeish green with rust/brown spots appearing overnight. Leaves seem to be drying and curling. Ive been spraying neem oil for the past 5 days since i noticed cobwebs but my problem just gets worse. I ask the people of roll it up to help out a foreigner, any advice would be much appreciated.
Looks like you're growing in soil. What's your water quality, pH and feeding like?
Details on your soil and environment, as many as you can give, will help us help you.
Doesn't look like mites or thrips to me.
I don't even believe in God, but I'm willing to help.
Looks like soil. What's your water quality, pH and feeding like?
Doesn't look like mites or thrips to me.
I don't even believe in God, but I'm willing to help.
The soils fox farms HF with OF. I know for a fact the water heres not quality at all. Im not to sure about Ph level but i know theres arsenic in it. They had sent people in my town checks a few years ago due to the poor water quality (arson i believe)

My other 3 photos are recieving the same soil with 0 problem. I thought autos were supposed to be hardy plants but idk man. The 2 I got arent lookin so hot
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Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
So you are feeding the autos on the same schedule as the photos, as well? You're probably looking at an overabundance of...something, and definitely heat damage. Autos don't like heat at all in my experience, and they are light feeders. Back the light off of it, improve air circulation and feed it less, perhaps do a flush of RO or distilled water, then feed a bit less.
So you are feeding the autos on the same schedule as the photos, as well? You're probably looking at an overabundance of...something, and definitely heat damage. Autos don't like heat at all in my experience, and they are light feeders. Back the light off of it, improve air circulation and feed it less, perhaps do a flush of RO or distilled water, then feed a bit less.
I dont feed. At all. I have them under 12 hours of a 150 w equivalent cfl each and 12 hours od daylight each. Would you recommend a fan?

Heat damage makes sense since the bulbs tend to overheat after long periods of time (the reason why im doin 12 outside)

My whole logic about buying an auto was plant it and forget about it. As it started to grow at miniscule rate i had to get some additional lights and thats when my problems started.

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
I dont feed. At all. I have them under 12 hours of a 150 w equivalent cfl each and 12 hours od daylight each. Would you recommend a fan?

Heat damage makes sense since the bulbs tend to overheat after long periods of time (the reason why im doin 12 outside)

My whole logic about buying an auto was plant it and forget about it. As it started to grow at miniscule rate i had to get some additional lights and thats when my problems started.
More fans, like more light, is almost always better. More light always comes with more heat. You may not need to back off the lights if you get more circulation, but do both, then see how the plant responds. Otherwise, sounds good to me!
More fans, like more light, is almost always better. More light always comes with more heat. You may not need to back off the lights if you get more circulation, but do both, then see how the plant responds. Otherwise, sounds good to me!
Sadly, this plants close to flower. Hopefully it will be back in shape by flower and at least give me a quarters worth of northern lights :weed: i tend to be a glass half full kinda guy. so a lil bud wouldnt be a complete dissapointment. Its been fun growin and even if i barely get any tree, at the price its going for rn, ill break even for sure

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
Sadly, this plants close to flower. Hopefully it will be back in shape by flower and at least give me a quarters worth of northern lights :weed: i tend to be a glass half full kinda guy. so a lil bud wouldnt be a complete dissapointment. Its been fun growin and even if i barely get any tree, at the price its going for rn, ill break even for sure
That's the spirit! I bet you get an ounce or more. Keep on keepin' on, brother.


Well-Known Member
This is only my second post and hopefully it goes better than my first. Everyone attacked me for asking them to "prove they're better than grasscity" which i thought would be a fun thread.. but apparently not.

Anyways i posted this pic on grasscity at least 6 times in 4 different places and I've got 0 help whatsoever. One troll added "it's a problem with the grower not the plant"

The leaves are turning sort of limeish green with rust/brown spots appearing overnight. Leaves seem to be drying and curling. Ive been spraying neem oil for the past 5 days since i noticed cobwebs but my problem just gets worse. I ask the people of roll it up to help out a foreigner, any advice would be much appreciated.
I agree the grower sucks! :bigjoint:really when using neem its best not to have them under lights. The oil clogs the stomata not allowing transpiration causing heat looking issues. Do a search or google it you'll find more scientifical explanations than I can give. welcome to RIU


Well-Known Member
I over watered my huge plants in flower to the point the leafs are taco'ing 1 day after flipping to 12/12 and they are showing sex first still even while obviously water stressed. (Huge pots are difficult under scrog, might not do this again) I have also burned the crap out of my flowering plants and had them finish with the rest. Move the light back and be mindful of leaf temps but don't stress because actually it looks like full recovery if you take action.
I over watered my huge plants in flower to the point the leafs are taco'ing 1 day after flipping to 12/12 and they are showing sex first still even while obviously water stressed. (Huge pots are difficult under scrog, might not do this again) I have also burned the crap out of my flowering plants and had them finish with the rest. Move the light back and be mindful of leaf temps but don't stress because actually it looks like full recovery if you take action.
Ive been going as light as i can on watering. It seems everyone has the problem with over watering. I added perlite and water maybe once or twice a week. I usually just go by the weight of my bucket since theyre constantly being moved
I agree the grower sucks! :bigjoint:really when using neem its best not to have them under lights. The oil clogs the stomata not allowing transpiration causing heat looking issues. Do a search or google it you'll find more scientifical explanations than I can give. welcome to RIU
l'll definitely cut out the neem oil then. This is the first time Im hearing this. My first thought was spider mites because of the cobwebbs and tiny insects crawling all over my plants.

I never intended to have lights indoor. I thought the autos would do fine outdoors and i was wrong, so yes. I was and still am very unprepared and not knowledgable.


Well-Known Member

l'll definitely cut out the neem oil then. This is the first time Im hearing this. My first thought was spider mites because of the cobwebbs and tiny insects crawling all over my plants.

I never intended to have lights indoor. I thought the autos would do fine outdoors and i was wrong, so yes. I was and still am very unprepared and not knowledgable.
So those aren't cob webs then they are spider mite webs? That is a huge concern friend you now need to confirm the insect. Get your plants out of intense light, not too far back but they might be in big trouble. Capture them on a leaf spidermites don't fly and indentify.
So those aren't cob webs then they are spider mite webs? That is a huge concern friend you now need to confirm the insect. Get your plants out of intense light, not too far back but they might be in big trouble. Capture them on a leaf spidermites don't fly and indentify.
I have seen small redish/orange looking bugs and ive seen a large spider around my bucket. I wasn't to sure what to initially think. But the plant did start getting unhealthy around the time I applied neem oil and added lights. Im hoping the fan and subtraction of the neem oil will bring my plants back to health

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
I have seen small redish/orange looking bugs and ive seen a large spider around my bucket. I wasn't to sure what to initially think. But the plant did start getting unhealthy around the time I applied neem oil and added lights. Im hoping the fan and subtraction of the neem oil will bring my plants back to health
Oh shit, I stand corrected, I can't be trusted until tomorrow; citation: Vodka.

Michael Huntherz

Well-Known Member
I have seen small redish/orange looking bugs and ive seen a large spider around my bucket. I wasn't to sure what to initially think. But the plant did start getting unhealthy around the time I applied neem oil and added lights. Im hoping the fan and subtraction of the neem oil will bring my plants back to health
You're fucked, but maybe not. End of line.