the lil hermi that could


Well-Known Member
my buddie has a hermi in his grow that he will not destroyy he keeps twlling me it will produce all feminized seeds an i dnt think he knows what the hell hes talking about lol does ne one out there havee the answer


Well-Known Member
my buddie has a hermi in his grow that he will not destroyy he keeps twlling me it will produce all feminized seeds an i dnt think he knows what the hell hes talking about lol does ne one out there havee the answer
A proper hermie or just a few pollen sacs?

If the pollen came of a female plant the resulting seeds will be female, ive made feminized seeds many times this way.


Well-Known Member
i grew seeds from 10 dif hermies once to see what they would do.... even up to 4 weeks flower. They turned pink purple and blue but covered in seeds lol. Pretty sure hermies make hermies...


Well-Known Member
i grew seeds from 10 dif hermies once to see what they would do.... even up to 4 weeks flower. They turned pink purple and blue but covered in seeds lol. Pretty sure hermies make hermies...
Small bit of hermie,ing seems natural in most strains, more down to the growers skill i guess. Never had a strain that i couldnt stress and make a few nannas, the better i got the less i seen it. Its quite natural in the wild and aids population in those stressfull years.


Well-Known Member
Small bits ya but if you got pollen sacks popping up all over I'm guessing those genetics aren't a keeper

Actually let me edit I disagree. Solid genetics make solid plants. If genetics are pure you should never see Hermie action, not one bit . unless u kick its ass on purpose to make a mutation. Think crossbreeding with a female n male make best results tho


Well-Known Member
Small bits ya but if you got pollen sacks popping up all over I'm guessing those genetics aren't a keeper

Actually let me edit I disagree. Solid genetics make solid plants. If genetics are pure you should never see Hermie action, not one bit . unless u kick its ass on purpose to make a mutation. Think crossbreeding with a female n male make best results tho
I dont argue the hermie stuff no more, there are lots of different views but science says they still dont fully understand the genetics of marijuana to give a verdict either way. Personally i wouldnt chop a female just because it produced a few pollen sacs but there are some that will.

Solid genetics still relate back to those wild plants we domesticated which is where i would assume this small trait came from.

Lets both agree that its handy if you need a few seeds on a tight budget as long as its not too bad a hermie. There are flowers that start female and turn male but they look a mess and seems different to the slight herm we get.


Well-Known Member
I dont argue the hermie stuff no more, there are lots of different views but science says they still dont fully understand the genetics of marijuana to give a verdict either way. Personally i wouldnt chop a female just because it produced a few pollen sacs but there are some that will.

Solid genetics still relate back to those wild plants we domesticated which is where i would assume this small trait came from.

Lets both agree that its handy if you need a few seeds on a tight budget as long as its not too bad a hermie. There are flowers that start female and turn male but they look a mess and seems different to the slight herm we get.
Absolutely, very well stated. About the science thing- that drives me crazy! We know if there's water in space or not , but we don't know the details of cannabis? Insanity.... Hopefully the research keeps expanding so us growers can enhance our methods!