Autoflower Problem

This is a Candy Cane autoflower 4 weeks old today. I think this is a potassium deficiency but I lack experience. My temps are ok can hit up to 80ish at times but I usually catch it. Humidity is about 45 daytime average. My water is ph'd to 6.5 to 6.8. Ive given this plant 2 light feedings with veg nutes. I noticed a slight yellowing at the tips of the new growth and all new growth is growing really funky. Not really sure what's going on with her but I'd really like to keep her healthy.



Well-Known Member
This is a Candy Cane autoflower 4 weeks old today. I think this is a potassium deficiency but I lack experience. My temps are ok can hit up to 80ish at times but I usually catch it. Humidity is about 45 daytime average. My water is ph'd to 6.5 to 6.8. Ive given this plant 2 light feedings with veg nutes. I noticed a slight yellowing at the tips of the new growth and all new growth is growing really funky. Not really sure what's going on with her but I'd really like to keep her healthy.
ok as a new grower even a failure is a good thing.....u learn

1 what medium are u in ( soil type brand name) much (size of the planter)
2 what are u feeding it
3 can u get a photo of the whole plant
justugh said:
ok as a new grower even a failure is a good thing.....u learn

1 what medium are u in ( soil type brand name) much (size of the planter)
2 what are u feeding it
3 can u get a photo of the whole plant
The plant is in Michigan's Organic soil. Has good drainage and in a 5 gal smart pot. For feeding ive been using cal mag plus and bio marine.



Well-Known Member
The plant is in Michigan's Organic soil. Has good drainage and in a 5 gal smart pot. For feeding ive been using cal mag plus and bio marine.
thanks that whole pic told me everything

here is what u need to do
1 next time u do this change the soil this stuff is to weak for autos

the trouble is the plant is flipping into flowering .....the soil is off the plant is not getting what it needs

u need to change your feed plan
u need a 50% grow 50% bloom ....pretty strong i go a extra 2 3 mls on the feed of each

u said bio marine that is the GH line .....go box is the full kit ....good organic
mix 1 gallon of water like this
5 mls of grow
5 mls of bloom
3 mls of rooting
5 mls of seaweed
3 mls of bio bud
skip the bio marine
skip the call mag

repeat this every 2/3 day for 2 weeks then change the feed mix again
all bloom
lower the seaweed
add in the cal mag and the bio marine
take out the rooting
a shot of grow every week or so to keep green