Size pot


Well-Known Member
Hey guys so I'm trying outdoors for the first time, I'm just having trouble trying to figure out which pots to use.

I usually start the seeds in solo cups, then transplant into final 3gal...

My plant is to start these say next week, and then move them to outside at the end of may into 7gallon pots.

Can somebody tell me what I should do?
Should I even use solos or go for a bigger pot thatll last two months ?

Thanks, it's also soil


Well-Known Member
I start mine indoors in solo cups, or really they are old yogurt things, but pretty much the same size. Depending on weather I let those veg out for however long then I usually just throw them in straight to their big pots but have also transplanted in to 3-5 gallons then to the big pots. I usually use at least a 15 gallon as my final pot size for an outside grow, usually bigger though if you can come by it


Well-Known Member
Thanks not sure why I'm not getting much feedback on these forums anymore,

I pretty much need to know what a good size pot is for 60 days of veg, and be rooted enough to transplant to outdoor pots.

Or from solo to something else but I feel they wouldn't be rooted enough, I plan to top lots