Ursus marijanus
@GreatwhiteNorth, @potroast, @rollitup, @sunni
I really hate to bring any of you into any of this, but have any of you ever had any issues with me "insulting or threatening" anybody, ever over the course of 10 years since I became a member? Post an example, let's see for ourselvesI'm not saying that. I'm saying that if you're hoping to convince anyone of this, your only route to that end is through unverifiable means and that's not because I asked anyone to delete anything, every single mod on RIU will verify the only posts/threads I've ever asked to be deleted are my own for various reasons. I've communicated and interacted with hundreds of people here over the years, I'm sure some people don't like me and that doesn't bother, shock, or surprise me, such is life, you can't please everyone. It's not something that would upset me, that's just not the kind of person I am or the way I look at life in general.
This behavior is called recruitment. It is a fundamental device for manipulating psychology. It provides some of the motive power for your many invasive threads designed to harvest personal and psychological info, which is then in the data forever.
I think most people might have some degree of narcissism, but the definition you gave - Malignant narcissism - effectively means you get pleasure out of others pain and don't feel remorse or regret for it. That's something I can tell you without any doubt I don't have, now you can choose to believe that or not, my evidence is my personal credibility and reputation I have with members of this site. Each of them can choose for themselves what kind of person I am based upon our interactions together.
Delusion of self and others is a hallmark symptom of narcissistic personality disorders. I am certain the part I highlighted in red is true - you genuinely do not believe yourself to have or display the condition. It is one of the ironic aspects of the disorder.
However difficult abandoning the delusion is, it can be done. The key is unrelenting honesty with oneself. But I know how deliciously diverting from that never-pleasant task it is to indulge the blame-everyone-else reflex. Then one can engage in the abuse and psychological destruction of others, without control or compunction, secure in the certainty of one's blamelessness, even victimhood. (Another ironic feature of the disorder.) It is a road to insatiable moral hunger, the need to feel yourself as better than your prey.
I recognize your type, and so I have empathy for you and no sympathy. As long as you persist in harming board members, denying it and then cleaning away the corpus delicti, you are unrepentant in your malignancy, and I am in a position to expose it, to bell this cat.
This becomes a duty; after all:
all that is required for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.