Child predator gets busted

You joined Feb. 2016

You asked Xui because he/she didn't automatically accept the accuser's side of things. Incredibly transparent
I asked @Xui based on his/her posts (not only the ones in this thread).
I myself have never posted on this board with another handle FACT!
What's bollocks about em?
Kant is a cunt, Marx is a communist, neither understand the common man who is the object of their doctrines.Unfortunately they describe a paradigm which the common man does not understand, so their philosophies are synthetic rather than experiential and therefore ultimately worthless[/QUOTE]
Totally agree. According to British Writer Paul Johnson,

"Marx never set foot in a mill, factory, mine, or industrial workplace. His war against free enterprise stemmed not from solidarity with the workers but from his constant debts, umpemplyment and inability to support his family. His own mother was quoted as saying, Karl should accumulate capital instead of just writing about it."
Totally agree. According to British Writer Paul Johnson,

"Marx never set foot in a mill, factory, mine, or industrial workplace. His war against free enterprise stemmed not from solidarity with the workers but from his constant debts, umpemplyment and inability to support his family. His own mother was quoted as saying, Karl should accumulate capital instead of just writing about it."
Have you ever read The Communist Manifesto?
Ok since we're on the rape topic.. long story short I went to a bar with some friends and saw a fine ass girl. Pretty face, nice body and good hygiene lol. Ok so we start talking and drinking she gets closer and I get closer. Friends decide to leave so I tell her I'm going home and she decided she wanted to go too. Well cool, score. Now on the way home in my car we get on the topic of drugs and I ask her what she messes with. She said beer,weed, xanax, heroin, and before I could say anything she said beer and weed again like I didn't hear the heroin part lol. So I ask, "did you say heroin". She said "why do you ask?" Lol then she says "I'd give you the best time ever if you have any"..

Ok so at this point there's two options, take her home and dick her down only for me to risk her having heroin on her and overdosing in my house which would come back to me as drugging and raping her.. or option 2 which would be kick her the fuck out which could also come back to me in some way because she got my number that night and I was the last person to talk to her. And if she got into any trouble that night, I'd be the first suspect. So what did I do? I pulled off to the side and said "bye felicia".. she was pissed but fuck that I have a good job and my shit is together I'm not gonna throw it away for a girl like that, no fucking way. But I was just thinking that night, how just because she's a girl and makes her own decisions I'd look like the bad guy if anything happened. So I do believe there are cases of rape where the so called "rapist" is innocent. Now I'm not defending sex without consent but damn it's not always what it seems. Sorry, had to get that off my chest lol
I have a good job and my shit is together I'm not gonna throw it away for a girl like that, no fucking way.