step by step cfl stealth build.( pic`s)


Well-Known Member
this is going to be a convertion to a dresser i have already used for veging and clong with flouro`s. now i am going to change it over to a cfl grow from seed to harvest all in 1 cab.

materials list so far:

1 pack of dutch treat seeds ( jordan of the islands)
8 23 watt cfl`s 2700k
light spliters.
light sockets
wire straps
bulk wire
black/white panda film
2 temp/humidity meters
room fan
450 cfm fan.

room measurements:

66 inches across x 2 feet tall x 18 inches deep.
each chamber is 23 inches wide. x 2
my first test run last night the temps were; max 34.1 min,22.5.
humidity: max was 57% and min was 19%. that was 2 inches away from actual bulbas and run from 1 in the morning last nigh till 8 this morning. so i have some work to do there. i need it cooler.

my left side will be for flowering and veging them and the right side is for clone/seedling.
this build took me 1 day from start to finish. ( 1 long day)

after i am finished here i will be doing a journal with the dutch treat for us and possiblt a time laps camera in the actual grow room to watch the growth.


Well-Known Member
first striped the drawers out of course. then i wird up my lights. mounted them to a board so i can raise and lower it. put screws in the roof to suport them.
i made a 4 inch hole in the back top corner for my exhaust, and an intake at the bottom oposite corner. my fan is on a speed control. it`s over kill, had it on full just to see. it sucked the box inside out almost. good seal i geusse.
i will add bit by bit, so if anyone has questions, shoot. it was pretty simple realy.



Well-Known Member
sweet man. It looks way nice. Much cheaper than the premade ones. And it looks much more natural. The premade ones are like 'ok now why do you have a big block in your house'


Well-Known Member
so the 12-gauge extension cord is striped which will be connected to one of the light sockets and be plugged in and by unpluggin the extension cord is how u turn off ur light, vice-versa right????


Well-Known Member
ya i will be puting a switch on the cord.
the lights are low enough amperage so i dont need the ground for this.
it cut the end of my pic a bit there but the orange power cord goes into one end of the base then from the other post on the base to the next base, and so .
i hadn`t put the plug on the end yet in that pic.

the other bulbs in the pic are 2 mh and 1 switchable hps. another member gifted them to me. i had just picked them up so i thought i would put them in the shot for him. they wont be used here.

almost forgot. i put my 10 dutch treat deads in water tonight. ph`d at 6.3 and temp is at 72 to 76 degrees. i will be starting the journal for it later or tomorrow. i`ll put a link in the sig for that to.


Well-Known Member
ok i`ll update a bit.

the first shot shows the back of the dresser. there is a 4 inch hose to vent the box, then it runs to a 6 inch adapter and hose to my 450 cfm fan.
for now i will just be using one of my odor socks. i bought 3 of them so i want to get the junk working somehow.
the black hole on the left is the exhaust from the clone side vented by my 80 cfm bath fan.
there is also my speed controler in the back. i am still working on the speed of it right now.

this just from the other side, showing my fan and the other size hose. i haven`t added the sock yet. i need to recharge it first.

these are those bulbs in the other shot. i`ll dedicate a grow with them for the guy that sent them. free of charge and paid the shipping and insurance. sweet deal.



Well-Known Member
i see that u duct-taped all your light leakes. you could do that from inside of the box.. would be better visual looking growbox. or you duct taped only back of your box?

also i wanted to ask you - isnt that box bit too small for floweing plants?

as i see TV on your grow box, i can cocnlude that its stealth TV table grow box. but you wont be albe to push it to the wall. it may look bit suspicious cause of that..


Well-Known Member
oh no... sorry. its a radio.

anyway, where are you planing to put your box? how will you hide those pipes?


Well-Known Member
just the back is taped. thern i taped behind the black/white on the inside. i did this more for sealing the box for good negative pressure.
actualy i do have a tv at one end and a radio at the other.
it is a bit small for flowering that is why i am going cfl andf 12/12 from seed. this is more of an experiment of mine. i will be somewhat following a grow called no mercy 12/12. he does this method and perpetual and gets 7 crops a year. each plant is suposed to be about 1.5 foot tall with just a main cola right to the soil. iof they get to big with this strain i will lst or top and scrog. this strain is suposed to suit this grow.
the box sits about 7 or 8 inches away from the wall, looks quite normal to me. i am not to concerned about the hose and fan. i am legal so stealth isn`t my concern. i will however be adding to this as i have time. i will be adding a base at the bottom to cover the 2 foot hight i have raised it up off the floor. i will put the fan and the rest of that back stuff under it.
another option i am looking at is if i get males and because of the limited space i will only grow out 6 of the best and take the other into another box i have and with the male seed the rest for another time.


Well-Known Member
here is the lights mounted now. i will be replacing the wire to a chain with a pulley set up to raise and lower lights.
my doors are worn out from previous uses so i made a new one. just plywood with handles and catches to lock it. i will put some matching laminate on the face to blend it in. i`d like to take one of my pic`s of a nice bud or similar and have a vinal decal made to cover it.



Well-Known Member
here is the lights mounted now. i will be replacing the wire to a chain with a pulley set up to raise and lower lights.
my doors are worn out from previous uses so i made a new one. just plywood with handles and catches to lock it. i will put some matching laminate on the face to blend it in. i`d like to take one of my pic`s of a nice bud or similar and have a vinal decal made to cover it.

nicceee...wat cfl watts are you using??


Well-Known Member
just 23 watters, 2700k and 1700 lumens each. i have some 42 watters but it`s to hot, no ac yet.