Well-Known Member
You all are putting way too much thought into this topic, none of you see the silver lining? None of it matters. Why you ask? because of a few reasons, but I will say 2 of them.
- It will be legal sooner then later
- if you have a medical reason/grow, no matter what they say as long as you are not trafficking / selling they will not fuck with you.
if they came back and said 25 plants lets say, and say you need 70 plants, 2 things come into play, (unless they start inspecting every grow, impossible) you can still grow your 70 plants because who the fuck is going to know or care, second factor is if someone did care it would only be an infraction kind of like when a corporate company dumps toxic waste and gets off with a fine. If you have a true need for your 70 plants (lets say Cancer) you think a judged is going to jail you for having 45 plants over the "Limit"?
Not to mention my first point, it will be legal soon, police eventually will stop chasing this type of shit, unless you pop up on some cops radar as a trafficker who the fucking is going to know or care what your doing to help your self get better.
At the end of the day none of this shit matters, we won, they are re working the system as we speak, things will change, over time this will be a moot issue. It is not just about the non Cannabis/opposition changing, but also people in our community changing, if you want respect in the world you have to earn it, and you do not earn it by bitching and complaining and fantasizing about potential conspiracy.
As far as the 'medical need' defense, that seems to spring from the misinterpretation of Parker after Mernagh. You absolutely do not have a 'right' to use medical cannabis. You have a right to a constitutional exemption from prohibition. And as it stands, that exemption is predicated on having a Doctor authorize you. An interesting part of this is how the LPC 'legalizes', if cannabis is completely taken off the CDSA this will open the door to 'clarifying' this issue even further in the favor of the patients. Turmel also thought 'no judge will condemn people to die' when he asked for a left-out remedy from Phelan while Allard was still ongoing, and needless to say he did not get his remedy. Your statement about someone with Cancer is almost verbatim, one of turmel's statements.
Further to that, depending on how cannabis is legalized, it is quite possible that going over a plant 'limit' = jail time. This isn't a corporation dumping waste.
I'm really not sure how 'it will be legal soon' applies to the details of how it is legalized. I'm honestly not trying to be combative here but if you're going to willfully ignore the realities of fact and law, I'm not sure why anyone should buy into what you're saying.