bodhi seeds

I heard bodhi is has a new seed company called super natural selections. I don't know if it's true or not.

Yep. Straight from the man himself. "and im ready to unveil my new seed company called supernatural selections. its a back to the future pure f1 hybrid and landrace... return to the source... only way forward is going backwards, deep line dream seed alchemical cannabis transformational interactive time machine."

Possibly the new name of Nierika Seed Trust?

here's the tester list.

vietnamese 7 x columbian x afghani
Hawaiian sativa x columbian x afghani
bandaid haze x columbian x afghani
bubba x kashmir
mango biche x kashmir
black kandahar x kashmir
congo pine x kashmir
lao x kashmir
purple malawi x kashmir
axis x kashmir
vietnamese 7 x kashmir
There's a journal on breedbay about it. I've often wondered about it after the Bubbleman and Alchemist/GS drama over the congo. Is this the same congo? The fact that Bodhi and GS are both at breedbay though they may both have access to La Mano Negra's cut. who knows.

also I agree with you about the munchies kind of. The Dank Zappa did it to me in particular. But none of the other 3 g13/hp crosses I've tried.

Bodhi's congo line came direct from a source, not the same line/cut as LMN's...
Any idea when the promo will be out to the public?

Should be soon, promo runs 15th-20th

Every order gets:
10 pack of Star Fighter F2 (exotic) X Long Bottom Leaf
GLG sticker
GLG silicone wax holder

Every order over 150 gets:
10 pack of Star Fighter F2 (exotic) X Long Bottom Leaf
7 pack of Blood Orange (Bodhi) x Genius Tie (Bodhi) supplied by Useful Seeds
7 pack of GG#4 X Genius Tie (Bodhi) made by Useful Seeds


Choice of GLG T-shirt
GLG sticker
GLG silicone wax holder

Every order over 300 gets:
10 pack of Star Fighter F2 (exotic) X Long Bottom Leaf
7 pack of Blood Orange (Bodhi) x Genius Tie (Bodhi) supplied by Useful Seeds
7 pack of GG#4 X Genius Tie (Bodhi) made by Useful Seeds

Custom GLG joint case (made by LEXCO of Michigan)
Choice of GLG T-shirt
GLG sticker
GLG silicone wax holder

May be subject to change as it was being drafted up when I asked about it.
Looks like everybody from the old Tea thread are having the same shit. I can't even do tests. My anger at the situation knows no bounds. Going grey real fast. The tension is killing me. I cant even toke it gives me panic attacks now.
Damn hambone. I figured you two would be about finished with it all by now. Sorry homie. We're working things out but 13 years of her abuses has left me a bit disconnected.
lol now i got to ask it will prob be obvious after u say it but i am high sooo BLD/NLD
? stands for what lol

Broad Leaf Drug and Narrow Leaf Drug variety. :) new taxonomy classifications say that hemp varieties are classified as sativa while all drug cultivars are broken down into 2 subspecies of indica. It either confuses the shit out of a lot of people or they simply refuse to accept it.
Broad Leaf Drug and Narrow Leaf Drug variety. :) new taxonomy classifications say that hemp varieties are classified as sativa while all drug cultivars are broken down into 2 subspecies of indica. It either confuses the shit out of a lot of people or they simply refuse to accept it.
THANK YOU. Ive been sick of the sativa indica status and find it to be a poor classification system.