untypical leaf shape on big buds. help!


New Member
hi! It's my first time growing. This is blue treacle auto, in any oxy pot.
I have about 20 buds with nice crystals now, but the very biggest heads have these odd rounder leaves.
can you help me understand what is going on here? Has it hermied? Is it over done under done?
thank u so much!
which sucks bcs the trichomes are clearly not amber, let alone cloudy.
oh well, might start harvesting what's done now, and blitz the rest in to some butter!
can't say how much I appreciate your thoughts! Still haven't harvested, just in case I'm still okay. More pics...

first, the full plant. Damn it looks like a mess having snapped a pic for the first time! :/

now one I'm happy enough with stuff like this... And there are plenty of these.

and a big top bud that I'm not happy about. No great trichomes and too much leafage. FYI this is the one on the top left of the "full plant" photo. It's about 15cm long
this reminded me of my thread 4 years ago -
too bad I didn't come back to post in the thread, because the yield and the smoke turned out to be one of the greatest I've had (with CFLs), and she kept growing more weird leaves and foxtailing, so at one point I just harvested.
I am not sure it was the re-vegging the dudes were arguing about, probably the nutes and the heat.
if I were you, I would flush and chop real soon.
it got bigger than I thought actually... Probably a tad too large for the tent, but hey, why the hell should I complain?!
so do you think i should harvest now? There are zero amber trichomes so I'm tempted to wait. I'm sure it hasn't hermied... No bananas or pollen pods at all. dormeo though I'm a massive beginner, your post makes me feel this is case re-veg, probably bcs I started flushing, then nuted again. Rookie error I know, but I've learnt a lesson.
I'm going to rely on trichrome colour and harvest accordingly. will ignore the funky leaves.
guys thanks again. Totally appreciated. Will post weight details once it's all cured :)
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Quick update... I harvested that day, and will weigh in once my large buds are dried... They have currently been drying for over 7 days and looking good. Should be in curing jars by Friday. #happy

as I'm not a reg smoker, I've only kept the largest and frostiest heads... Im going to bong one head just out of respect to my effort, and the other pretty stuff will be donated to my friends' Friday-night-in for feedback. They are very excited :). Let's hope it passes their approval!

The rest is now in the oven decarbing. I removed all stalks and large fans leaves, and then dehydrated. I want GREAT oil, so removed anything that isn't touched with thc. That itself was 90g dried, which is going to make me some kicking canna oil. #cannotfuckingwait

Thank you all! Will post pics and weights once I'm fully transformed in to usables.

P.s. I found the whole process very soothing. Not as fun as growing shrooms, but at least I can now say all my recreationals are self made :)
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Quick update... I harvested that day, and will weigh in once my large buds are dried... They have currently been drying for over 7 days and looking good. Should be in curing jars by Friday. #happy

as I'm not a reg smoker, I've only kept the largest and frostiest heads... Im going to bong one head just out of respect to my effort, and the other pretty stuff will be donated to my friends' Friday-night-in for feedback. They are very excited :). Let's hope it passes their approval!

The rest is now in the oven decarbing. I removed all stalks and large fans leaves, and then dehydrated. I want GREAT oil, so removed anything that isn't touched with thc. That itself was 90g dried, which is going to make me some kicking canna oil. #cannotfuckingwait

Thank you all! Will post pics and weights once I'm fully transformed in to usables.

P.s. I found the whole process very soothing. Not as fun as growing shrooms, but at least I can now say all my recreationals are self made :)
So do you have the next one in the ground yet?
no. I have a government that doesn't approve, and a wife that listens to the government. #checkmate. Lol! She has permitted me 2 grows per year :) #pumpthatyield. Plus while I love thc, shrooms are my true love. They hit my high spiritual notes. Weed is more a resting aid. My baby shrooms are my head raisers... They elevate me to unreal places. #ilovenaturalhighs
:) love. We are chemically unique. Nature provides each of us a range of options. My brain loves shrooms to go wild. My brain loves weed to settle down. That's just me. #lovelife.
I DO understand, I just like trippy Sat's
no. I have a government that doesn't approve, and a wife that listens to the government. #checkmate. Lol! She has permitted me 2 grows per year :) #pumpthatyield. Plus while I love thc, shrooms are my true love. They hit my high spiritual notes. Weed is more a resting aid. My baby shrooms are my head raisers... They elevate me to unreal places. #ilovenaturalhighs
Hahaha! I would be doing 6 month grow's #1giantplant