How can I maximize my yield at 600watts?


Well-Known Member
I never fully understood the point of scrog. Why build a net? Why not just have a set idea of a canopy? Just for exact measurement?

Also, can anyone suggest a decent hood in place of my half assed adjust a wing? Thinking maybe blockbuster?
a screen of green is supposed to make use of all the side branching so it works best with the right strain that side branches a lot
bend out all the branches and let the side shoots grow upward to become colas poking through the little screen holes, using a net or screen helps keep them all organised neatly
its a well known fact that people who grow this way have OCD



Well-Known Member
a screen of green is supposed to make use of all the side branching so it works best with the right strain that side branches a lot
bend out all the branches and let the side shoots grow upward to become colas poking through the little screen holes, using a net or screen helps keep them all organised neatly
its a well known fact that people who grow this way have OCD

Lol. .I'm as far from OCD as you can possible get. I don't organize it, just weave anything that grows up back down. It's simple

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
So when you say to keep training them does that mean to just keep fimming the ones that grow taller in veg only? Is there a type of hood you might recommend for my situation? I was thinking maybe a blockbuster without the glass and just hooking up a 1 way exhaust from a single flange. But I was worried that the blockbuster wouldnt get as good of a spread as the wings. Tough call. Also, do you know where i might be able to get a couple of these cheap LEDs so that I can supplement the sides? That does sound ideal because I was looking into florescent supplementation but by the time i'd have enough bulbs to supplement well, i'd be creating too much heat to make them worth their salt.
eBay has deals on LEDs but again these are for supplemental lighting so if you are going on the cheap you can easily find lots of LEDs under $100- I use a 300w panel & a 185w UFO led I ordered directly from Hong Kong; took weeks to deliver but it was a way better price than I could find in the us.
I use this style hood with my 600w but I used to run a cool tube which are not very good at reflecting the light. The light pours out of the sides in a cool tube fixture as opposed to being directed down at the plants like an angled or parabolic hood can. Alotta peeps remove the glass but I leave it in because if my bulb bursts it is somewhat contained idc if it lowers lumen output a is important IMO. I never used a gull wing but I am willing to bet this hood disperses the light better:

This has an 8 inch vent hole and mine has a 6in but you get the picture I think.

I would only FIM once but I do top all the tallest branches again and again to achieve an octobush. At some point topping is no longer viable and you need to tie down the taller branches to get them to grow sort of horizontally but it's totally ok to top a few times to get what you want. It's a challenge but the idea is to keep all your plants the same height & all the colas trained out as even as possible before you flip em.

papa canna

Well-Known Member
eBay has deals on LEDs but again these are for supplemental lighting so if you are going on the cheap you can easily find lots of LEDs under $100- I use a 300w panel & a 185w UFO led I ordered directly from Hong Kong; took weeks to deliver but it was a way better price than I could find in the us.
I use this style hood with my 600w but I used to run a cool tube which are not very good at reflecting the light. The light pours out of the sides in a cool tube fixture as opposed to being directed down at the plants like an angled or parabolic hood can. Alotta peeps remove the glass but I leave it in because if my bulb bursts it is somewhat contained idc if it lowers lumen output a is important IMO. I never used a gull wing but I am willing to bet this hood disperses the light better:

This has an 8 inch vent hole and mine has a 6in but you get the picture I think.

I would only FIM once but I do top all the tallest branches again and again to achieve an octobush. At some point topping is no longer viable and you need to tie down the taller branches to get them to grow sort of horizontally but it's totally ok to top a few times to get what you want. It's a challenge but the idea is to keep all your plants the same height & all the colas trained out as even as possible before you flip em.
How long would you say that topping a few times adds to your veg time? you would have to factor in recovery and things like that I assume?

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Quite awhile..I gotta be honest I never really count how long I veg for but I bet it's over a few months at least. I have separate areas for all stages of growth so I try to clone what I can that is cut off to keep a supply of clones going in the veg tent. Takes a couple weeks to recover every time you top them of course. You'll come to a point where topping will fatten the branches & make the lower nodes into colas. This is the sweet spot where your plants get real bushy but yeah ya need time to let them fill in again every time....Then ya flip em

papa canna

Well-Known Member
Quite awhile..I gotta be honest I never really count how long I veg for but I bet it's over a few months at least. I have separate areas for all stages of growth so I try to clone what I can that is cut off to keep a supply of clones going in the veg tent. Takes a couple weeks to recover every time you top them of course. You'll come to a point where topping will fatten the branches & make the lower nodes into colas. This is the sweet spot where your plants get real bushy but yeah ya need time to let them fill in again every time....Then ya flip em
Ouch. Quite time consuming. I only have one room

papa canna

Well-Known Member
Quite awhile..I gotta be honest I never really count how long I veg for but I bet it's over a few months at least. I have separate areas for all stages of growth so I try to clone what I can that is cut off to keep a supply of clones going in the veg tent. Takes a couple weeks to recover every time you top them of course. You'll come to a point where topping will fatten the branches & make the lower nodes into colas. This is the sweet spot where your plants get real bushy but yeah ya need time to let them fill in again every time....Then ya flip em
So if I wanted to minimize veg times for more colas I would do LST right?

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
Not sure what minimizing veg time is but I think you mean making training go faster which is a takes time to train your plants out to max yields; there is no special trick to speed up the process except to provide optimum conditions & keep them super healthy.
LST goes along with any training regiment. Pinch in between the nodes where you can & tie down the taller branches to allow the lower & mid branches to become colas but yeah it's fucking time consuming. That's why it's good to have separate grow areas for different stages of growth if possible. The only other tip I can think of is to cut off any bottom growth that produce wispy budlets; that will push energy to the colas.

papa canna

Well-Known Member
Not sure what minimizing veg time is but I think you mean making training go faster which is a takes time to train your plants out to max yields; there is no special trick to speed up the process except to provide optimum conditions & keep them super healthy.
LST goes along with any training regiment. Pinch in between the nodes where you can & tie down the taller branches to allow the lower & mid branches to become colas but yeah it's fucking time consuming. That's why it's good to have separate grow areas for different stages of growth if possible. The only other tip I can think of is to cut off any bottom growth that produce wispy budlets; that will push energy to the colas.
when I say minimize veg what I mean is that I can't really wait any longer than 2 months in veg. So I can't just continuously top. the only training ive EVER done is just bending (super cropping from what I understand) I know theres no secret to make it go faster, I was just looking for the best method without it taking too long. At what point would you trim off smaller branches with useless buds?

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
It's takes time...typically longer than 8 weeks from seed but that might be long enough to veg from a fully rooted clone. Consider a sog style grow; keep em small & squat & just keep feeding a continuous bloom tent. You would still need a place to keep clones & a mama plant tho. It's tough doing it with only a single grow space but a sog might work for you...
I cut off all the lower branches a week before flipping....lollipop is what they cal it but it's just pruning

papa canna

Well-Known Member
It's takes time...typically longer than 8 weeks from seed but that might be long enough to veg from a fully rooted clone. Consider a sog style grow; keep em small & squat & just keep feeding a continuous bloom tent. You would still need a place to keep clones & a mama plant tho. It's tough doing it with only a single grow space but a sog might work for you...
I cut off all the lower branches a week before flipping....lollipop is what they cal it but it's just pruning
I'd love to go with an sog grow. my issue is that my setup is very basic. A single light with about a 3x3 to 4x4 space. No other room for anything else. One day i'll have space for Multiple rooms, but for now its all i've got. i'll just have to do a bit of fimming and LST and see what I can get going with what i've got.


Well-Known Member
I noticed that at least with a few strains having two medium plants in a 3 1/2 gallon container instead of a single larger one improves the final weight. Using something like Bud Candy not so much.