Child predator gets busted

He needs to be taught right from wrong but not surgically dealt with surely.
Hes 12 hes obviously been taught or seen.its ok to demean girls like this.
Anyone visit his dad to get a gauge on where his behaviour MAY have started from ?

Interesting. I did not know that. Source? But I mean...even underdeveloped empathy much empathy do you require to not scare young girls into getting naked for you...
it does sound like immaturity combined with hormones combined with poor impulse control, normal parental conversation setting moral parameters and all should progress well as long as it stops imo
He needs to be taught right from wrong but not surgically dealt with surely.
Hes 12 hes obviously been taught or seen.its ok to demean girls like this.
Anyone visit his dad to get a gauge on where his behaviour MAY have started from ?
I've met both his parents because when I found this conversation all hell broke loose lol. I called her parents. I called his parents. I called the school. I even called my own parents lol.
I understand that this is not a plausible situation. I understand that we cannot surgically alter children for this purpose. But. It was a question I posed. A question that made others think a bit differently about me. But it doesn't actually *make* me different than I ever was before or after I asked it. It doesn't mean that I would ever be the person that does this, it doesn't even mean I would ever want to be the person that does this. It means, it was just a question that, for whatever reason, crossed my mind while I was high, and I asked it. That's all I'm saying. I'm saying Pada's questions are just questions. I don't believe that he actually means harm by asking them. That's what i'm saying.
I get that..i have no problem with that at all.

Now if im high and i ask should people who have small dicks get a concession card on the bus because they are not carrying as much weight as other guys with big dicks ?