Kangen Water for Hydro growers ph control without chemicals


Well-Known Member
I ran into this guy that sells these machines called Kangen or sumptin which produce an ionized water he even told me its not really H2O its H3O, its has 3 parts hydrogen, lol not too sure it that really possible but WTH. The machine is expensive as hell, but it allows you to control the ph level of the water once filtered thru the machine, plus around Torrance area you can fill up bottles with whatever ph you like for free at their main location. This dude selling them actually runs around L.A and SFV delivering 5.5ph water to ppl hmmmm wonder why? Anyways I'm a soil grower so I don't worry bout ph as much as hyrdo growers but just thought it was sumptin interesting for you guys for a way to control ph without ph up or ph down chems. Anyways for anyone interested read about Kangen water, and if you live in So.cal and really like the stuff you can drop me a line on here I can get u an email for the dude sellin em.


New Member
This is probably waaaaay past its time, but I'll comment anyway.....

I live in SW FL and I own one of the Leveluk SD501 water electrolysis units (not their only model) offered by Enagic. I, too, provide water to others in our area, but I provide 9.5 pH water for personal consumption. I use the multiple other pH levels of water that I am able to produce with the machine for a whole slew of applications..my garden included.

People will always jump straight to price, especially when they are only addressing one specific scenario or problem, however, once the numbers are crunched where waters ranging from 2.5 (strong acidic) to 11.5 (strong alkaline) pH have been used in place of many (recurring) household and personal expenses, it is actually more expensive to not own a machine. They are not everyone's cup of tea, but my own personal experience continues to justify the cost many times over.

As for the info the one gentleman gave you, be cautious of water 'experts'. There is a WHOLE LOT of misinformation and wrong terminology out there surrounding this industry as a whole (Enagic distributors included). The science is sound and has been in use in Japan for over 4 decades, but many people (read 'Americans') love to embellish and color their stories :)

I have no stake in this beyond making sure you have clear understanding with which to make sound decisions.

Peace & blessings!
My mom touts the magical uses of her Kangen water machine. I'm skeptical. I haven't gotten around to using a PH meter on one. But, for some reason I am doubtful that you can change PH like that without an sort of solvent. I could be wrong. Maybe I just don't understand the science of PH.


Well-Known Member
My mom touts the magical uses of her Kangen water machine. I'm skeptical. I haven't gotten around to using a PH meter on one. But, for some reason I am doubtful that you can change PH like that without an sort of solvent. I could be wrong. Maybe I just don't understand the science of PH.
Ph is a scale that represents the hydrogen potential of water...so yes by manipulating hydrogen content I imagine it would be pretty easy to alter ph.


New Member
Ph is a scale that represents the hydrogen potential of water...so yes by manipulating hydrogen content I imagine it would be pretty easy to alter ph.
Yes, in a nutshell. The unit houses a carbon pre-filter and an electrolysis chamber which separates the water into two different streams - one with a higher concentration of H+ (hydrogen) ions = more acidic; the other steam contains a higher concentration of H- (hydroxyl) ions = more alkaline. It's simply manipulating the two hydrogen molecules present in the source water using an electrical current. The quality of your source water (i.e. municipal vs. treated well) can have a noticeable impact on the water produced. Municipal water is more consistent in its results, but it lacks many of the trace minerals that are commonly found in well water. Dissolved mineral salts help achieve pH levels further to both ends of the spectrum - as low as 2.5 acidic and as high as 11.5 alkaline...but it's still water. no chemicals = no toxicity


New Member
My mom touts the magical uses of her Kangen water machine. I'm skeptical. I haven't gotten around to using a PH meter on one. But, for some reason I am doubtful that you can change PH like that without an sort of solvent. I could be wrong. Maybe I just don't understand the science of PH.
Actually, you are spot on. You absolutely need a solvent and its name is....water! It's the universal solvent. Get your meter on your mom's water and see for your self. There's a demo of the machine at Kangendemo(.)com - it's not the best one I've seen, but you'll get the gist. Not selling - lol- just like to share good info