EXCUSE ME?!..The OFFICIAL Bernie Sanders For President 2016 Thread


Well-Known Member
Bernie is ahead in Wisconsin. Not by enough though. He needs to average 60% of the vote from here on out. The current poll has 50% Bernie-45% Hillary. 5% margin of victory is good but is also going to raise the bar for him in the next primary.
Hillary didn't concede until June 2008.

Let's wait and see.


Well-Known Member
What were the numbers?
Bernie 56.4% 45 delegates
Hillary 43.3% 31 delegates

Bernie soundly beat Hillary. He needs to average about 60% but this should bust any perception that Hillary has the nomination in the bag. Bigger states are coming up including New York and California. A couple of really big wins (>60%) with one of them in a big state will put Bernie back on track.

If we look at this race like a college class, Bernie started the term with a couple of bad test scores and needs to be just about perfect to get that A at the end of the semester.


Well-Known Member
So I wonder how Big Media is going to spin this as a win for Mrs Clinton?

Just saying Mr Sanders won and is on a roll is of course anathema...


Well-Known Member
Bernie 56.4% 45 delegates
Hillary 43.3% 31 delegates

Bernie soundly beat Hillary. He needs to average about 60% but this should bust any perception that Hillary has the nomination in the bag. Bigger states are coming up including New York and California. A couple of really big wins (>60%) with one of them in a big state will put Bernie back on track.

If we look at this race like a college class, Bernie started the term with a couple of bad test scores and needs to be just about perfect to get that A at the end of the semester.
I can just see New York going big for the Bern, just to stick a (middle) finger in the eye of the Democratic party establishment. He's a master at playing the scrappy underdog, they love that shit.


Well-Known Member
Bernie needs bigger wins in order to get the nod. Even with his wins, Hillary still owns him big in delegates. Bernie fans need to realize this in order not to fall to hard when Hillary gets the nod. Math helps.


Well-Known Member
The primary is basically the general election. Whoever wins the democratic primary is going to be the next president

So that would make sense
In the primary you speak to the base.
In the general you speak to the country.
For 8 years the right has been warning about socialism.
In Sanders They have their prophecy.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
so it looks like Bernie pulled off double digits in Wisconsin.

He lives to fight another day..

The Pentagon and "bigbanks" are pulling for their boy Bernie!!!

So are the (smirk) "defense" workers making F-35 death machines in Vermont, Uncle Bernie will protect their "good jobs" !!!



Well-Known Member
In the primary you speak to the base.
In the general you speak to the country.
For 8 years the right has been warning about socialism.
In Sanders They have their prophecy.
And the country will vote for him over any republican nominee by wider margins than Mrs Clinton. This has been hammered home in polls for 6 months now!