Child predator gets busted

omg this thread though?

Who HAS been in? I did thirtyfour days in county, and thirteen days in county during my second and last visit. Hey, sometimes jail is MORE dangerous than the pen; at least in certain way.
I spent the night once. It hardened me, but you got to be hard if you gonna survive.
hard time

Come on man I can tell you know the streets real well, look at that avatar!lololol

I do and I know a lot of people who have been to prison or in prison. My brother is even fucking a tranny in prison but he got a minimum of 15 years at 18 years old I probably would too. Lol, But somehow I never even got hit with a felony but I always planned everything pretty good and didn't tell anyone even this one town the cops where all over my ass then I was going to try to go to the army got some paper work from that police station and holy shit!! I was a suspect in like every fucking crime that went down. Lol, But I was pretty hard at 16 I was a crazy bastard I got the scars to prove it. Lol, Not so crazy anymore though but I do have dogs and guns just cause shit happens and I never leave the house without a knife. People need to fear you or they won't respect you every grower I know of has been robbed but I shouldn't even know about them so they brought it on themselves.

But I'm pretty confident I will never go to prison but I could certainly handle myself just fine without joining a gang except maybe federal prison they are pretty crazy way worse than my states prison anyway but people have gotten killed just I actually know people in the state prison so I'm not too worried and I ain't going in for nothing fucked up I like fucking my wife just fine. Lol
I do and I know a lot of people who have been to prison or in prison. My brother is even fucking a tranny in prison but he got a minimum of 15 years at 18 years old I probably would too. Lol, But somehow I never even got hit with a felony but I always planned everything pretty good and didn't tell anyone even this one town the cops where all over my ass then I was going to try to go to the army got some paper work from that police station and holy shit!! I was a suspect in like every fucking crime that went down. Lol, But I was pretty hard at 16 I was a crazy bastard I got the scars to prove it. Lol, Not so crazy anymore though but I do have dogs and guns just cause shit happens and I never leave the house without a knife. People need to fear you or they won't respect you every grower I know of has been robbed but I shouldn't even know about them so they brought it on themselves.

But I'm pretty confident I will never go to prison but I could certainly handle myself just fine without joining a gang except maybe federal prison they are pretty crazy way worse than my states prison anyway but people have gotten killed just I actually know people in the state prison so I'm not too worried and I ain't going in for nothing fucked up I like fucking my wife just fine. Lol

Man, I feel you. I am an ex-addict and also am born and raised in San Bernardino, Southern California, awful really, but it's home. Due to my age (22,) life can be irritating living on a block run by police who sell more dope than i EVER did. (some cops are great don't get me wrong.. but they're getting rarer, they'll tell you that themselves,) constantly being pulled over, having to keep the ENTIRE grow at a relatives house up in the mountains (40 minute drive, through snow, lovely place but I miss them being at home.I wouldn't mind AS MUCH if the war criminal neo conservative/nazi politicians were harrassed arrested and shot in the streets by random low-ranking deputies. So many of my black buddies... but if I'm there they won't use violence because these assholes know my lawyer. Sure hope you assholes are reading this! You'll NEVER be men.

Not to mention their COUNTLESS sex crimes... you should prosecute YOUR OWN CORRUPT MEN before you prosecute ANY civilians or havethem arrested or shot. FUck. Ok i'm done now sorry guys hadta rant a bit...
Man, I feel you. I am an ex-addict and also am born and raised in San Bernardino, Southern California, awful really, but it's home. Due to my age (22,) life can be irritating living on a block run by police who sell more dope than i EVER did. (some cops are great don't get me wrong.. but they're getting rarer, they'll tell you that themselves,) constantly being pulled over, having to keep the ENTIRE grow at a relatives house up in the mountains (40 minute drive, through snow, lovely place but I miss them being at home.I wouldn't mind AS MUCH if the war criminal neo conservative/nazi politicians were harrassed arrested and shot in the streets by random low-ranking deputies. So many of my black buddies... but if I'm there they won't use violence because these assholes know my lawyer. Sure hope you assholes are reading this! You'll NEVER be men.

Not to mention their COUNTLESS sex crimes... you should prosecute YOUR OWN CORRUPT MEN before you prosecute ANY civilians or havethem arrested or shot. FUck. Ok i'm done now sorry guys hadta rant a bit...
Yeah I fucking hate cops they would be great but nobody should be arrested for drugs, prostitution and gambling unless they actually harm someone like breaking legs over a debt and being a pimp forcing girls to prostitute. Drugs really would not be that bad legal we can have dosed out heroin 10mgs clean no harmful cut no fentynal which is killing a lot of junkies around me, same with coke and meth legal amphetamines really ain't that bad they give children 3 doses a day every day and that 3 doses gets me tweaking and I'm a big man.

Really the worst is the DEA I seen exactly what they do they get dealers to flip become confidential informants they sell dope to kids get others to sell dope and then they get a controlled buy. No trying to actually get the drugs off the streets just filling the prisons and getting a bigger budget. Taxed heroin can pay for state funded rehab and it don't even need to be heroin Oxy is just as good.

But we are just lucky if the DEA stops going after weed. It's bullshit just like 2 years ago I got pulled over and the cop is they to search my car when I had my daughter in the fucking car kept asking if I had drugs till I got pissed I didn't have no drugs but guy disrespecting me in front of kid fuck that! Actual criminals out there to fuck with but the DEA gives them money for drugs.
Can we end this dumb thread yet and go back to talking about smoking weed, beerfarts, BBQ, and dicks, and punk rock music? I think we've all made our points...
you will have to find another forum now your arse is banned, again LMFAO