I think you are confusing Tbsp (tablespoons) with Tsp (teaspoons) anyway...I know growing your first cannabis plant is very exciting. But, your plants are still in seedling stage and so far you have had fungus gnats, stunted growth, over-feeding, are talking about topping and LST...dude, calm down. Nothing has killed more plants than over-zealous and under-educated parents 'loving them to death'.
You are a member of one of the best cultivation forums on the WWW. PLEASE take time to use the wealth of information to be found here. Like everyone else I was at one point a new and overly anxious and excited grower. But, I took took time to read and learn for a couple of months before popping my first seed. The benefit of doing so was immeasurable. The plant in my avatar is my first ever plant, I harvested almost 2 oz. dry weight. YOU TOO can cultivate cannabis...anyone can put a seed in some dirt and grow some weed...if that is what you want then you are doing ok. BUT, if you truly want to cultivate the best product you can...there is NO substitute for knowledge.