Found mushroom in weed pot


Active Member
I found a mushrooms in my weed pot. I am growing mushrooms in the same room in a cabinet. I only just noticed this mushroom as I pulled the plant, looked all dry and weird colored but smells the exact same, any idea if its safe or not to eat? And should i let em grow if if I see more?

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Active Member
It smells exactly the same as the magic mushrooms, hoping somebody can help me before I take matters in my own hands and do a, uhh, experiment lol.

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Active Member
Its taunting me tho! I need to know! Is there maybe a mushroom identifying site that I could check out, maybe find it to know for sure

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Active Member
come on man be mature your acting like a teenager, it doesn't even look like a shroom tripping isn't worth the risk of poisoning yourself from a mystery mushroom what happened to grow
Its not for the trip lol I got an oz of em sitting right here, I want to know what it is!!! I'm surprised nobody has seen this before. There is some white fuzz on the soil I'm using so I'm expecting more of em

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Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Its not for the trip lol I got an oz of em sitting right here, I want to know what it is!!! I'm surprised nobody has seen this before. There is some white fuzz on the soil I'm using so I'm expecting more of em

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lol ya lucky fuck i can't get any around here what so ever


Active Member
I grew em, that's what I'm saying I have magic mushrooms growing in the same room that's why I figured odds are its from them lol, never seen em before growing

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Well-Known Member
Why would you think the mushrooms growing in your pot soil are psychoactive.. Just because they are growing near your plants?

There are hundreds of thousands of different mushrooms.

Most of them are inedible, too woody, too small, unappetizing, a few are delicious, a few will make you sick and a few will kill you, quickly, but not as quickly as you would like.

No one should experiment with their liver, and that is exactly what you are doing.

If you decide to do this really stupid thing on the very off chance you will get high, at least leave a full sample on your kitchen table with a note.

That way the hospital might have a chance of identifying what it is that is killing you.

And then people will, sadly, laugh at the fool who, rather than rely on ten thousand years of human knowledge of mushrooms, opted to start from scratch.


Well-Known Member
I just read your last post.

Sorry I was so abrupt. If you are growing them then you know what they look like.


Active Member
I'm not saying its psychoactive because its near plants, I'm saying it because there are magic mushroom spores in my room. There are mushrooms growing literally 5 feet away. So seeig as I've never seen mushrooms growing in any pots before, I figured since I just stared growing mushrooms in that room and now there's a mushroom in growing I would assume they are connected. Not really planning on eating it, just really interested in what it is. Figured maybe someone on here had seen it before

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Dear ol" Thankful Grower!

Well-Known Member
I'm not saying its psychoactive because its near plants, I'm saying it because there are magic mushroom spores in my room. There are mushrooms growing literally 5 feet away. So seeig as I've never seen mushrooms growing in any pots before, I figured since I just stared growing mushrooms in that room and now there's a mushroom in growing I would assume they are connected. Not really planning on eating it, just really interested in what it is. Figured maybe someone on here had seen it before

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No your better off playing it safe as some soils have beneficial bacteria and fungi odds are that your pot plant mushroom came from the soil amended and throw it out eat your magic mushrooms hopefully if your growing those you done your research