USA move closer to equality in wages

What will increasing the minimum accompish?

  • Make a lot of workers very happy, and boost the economy

  • Cost jobs and drive businesses into bankruptcy

  • Nothing

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your example is off. politicians adding sin taxes to cigs is what that is

No, Phillip Morris added to the cost of cigarettes to pay off lawsuit losses. Phillip Morris added to the cost of cigarettes when an age minimum was legislated. All increases are directly related to action against them, just like raising the worker wages will.
no it can't. those making $7.50 hr are being subsidized by taxpayers so they can have a roof over their head and eat. doing this stupid shit instead of raising the min wage puts the onus back on the business owner. if the business owner can't compensate his/her employees with a living wage then he/she shouldn't be in business because it's not the taxpayers' job to pick up the slack so he can make a profit.

the circular argument here? you keep spinning bullshit to the point it confuses you and you actually think your're making a valid point

are you seriously going to question which is better, $12 hr now or the soon to be $15hr? i'd advise taking some of that thick money you're making selling timeshares to rubes and read some things robert reich has written.

or you can keep spouting off the same old shit the rest of the conservatives around here when they howl and spit around their lone fang about standing tall and earning their own way with their one man show businesses that are projected to always need their women to work and support

So when companies lay off and cut hours to help keep them in the game, will call that a good thing ?

Health care mandate for full time workers costs employers and now part time is the norm.
I've never read/seen that word before, I had to look that up, thanks, again, for hooking up the vocabulary!

You highlight another great point - wherever we are, there will be jobs that require minimum skill, therefor, minimum wage. Do we want to be a society that lets people work full time and still be homeless? I know I don't. I know I would gladly subtract from my (trust me) minimal wages to ensure less of my fellow human beings are subject to abject poverty. These are people, just as important and special as you and me, they deserve the opportunity to be the makers of their own destinies. If it means paying $0.12 more per box of mac and cheese, are you fuckin' kidding me? Add it. Don't ask me.

So when I hear about stories like the Panama Papers, it makes me seriously question reality, the plane I live on, if this is all real.. it just blows my mind how so many people can be so absolutely greedy and disregard the billions they share their world with..

I simply can't fathom how it could be possible. You have so much and yet, you need, so much.. more...

It hasn't been studied, but it will be. Affluence is a disease, just as narcissism and depression

Happy to help with the vocabulary for the cause! Besides, not only is it a cool concept but it just fairly drools with sophistication as it slides casually off the tongue, "arbitraaaaaage...." Girls love it too, cuz they dig sexy French words and because guys who know that word are usually one percenters, themselves. (/s)

Either there will be dirty/low skill/low caste jobs that wouldn't ordinarily pay a living wage or they will be automated, eliminating the need for a human worker at all. We need to address how our society will actually work in the coming Midas age of a robot working class.

One way to do that is to put a floor under wages. John Henry is already immortalized as the apocryphal hero of the battle of man vs machine and of course we know how it turned out. If we allow the corporate overlords to continue ruling our country, every job that can be done by machine will become a job they won't pay a living wage for- and soon enough, that will be most every job. Intellectual work is NOT safe from this; there are now far more trades on the exchanges executed by computer than humans. Yes, even arbitrage can be automated- fuck, on Wall Street it already has been for years.

The Panama Papers scandal is proof that it's not about the money; it's about power, and negative power- to destroy, to starve- is easier than other kinds. We're about to hand the power over the future of the human race to a non human construct that does not share human values, only that of profit.

Global warming is a nice day in the park compared to that.
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Imagine you're an average American making $935 a month (after taxes) working a full time job. If you live in my state, at least $600-$700 goes to rent. Now you have $335-$435 for food, bills besides rent & savings.


Prices - Red, Wages - Blue

Prices rise as wages stagnate, very clearly

Your argument that we shouldn't raise wages because then, prices will rise, seems absolutely silly looking at that chart, doesn't it?

Prices rise anyway, regardless of the minimum wage

Every sane person on Earth is telling you we need to raise wages to match prices, not the other way around

Prices have risen. Wages have not. We need to raise wages to match prices, otherwise people can't buy anything, business owners can't make money and we can't stimulate the economy
When did I say prices would rise?

I never mentioned rising prices.

The average American also doesn't work for minimum wage, it's much closer to my 18/hour figure.

What a straw man
Anybody who works a full time job should be able to provide for himself

The work they do is irrelevant to this concept

If someone is willing to pay someone for 40 hours of work, that person should be able to support himself

Employers buy time, not skill
Your mind is so ass backwards. You live in some utopian lala-land that has no base in reality.

Eployers buy our time and the price depends on the skill we have, among other things. It also greatly depends inn the skill necessary to do the job. The most skilled person gets paid shit if they decide to take a job that requires little.

You're such a reactionary. You hardly ever have original thoughts of your own. You seek to use the words of others.

The unintended consequences of artificially forcing up the price of low skill positions will not benefit as many as you think. The very first thing any employer will look to do is reduce the number of employees where possible.

All you see is the boogy man of evil rich people and the struggles of the poor.
so mcdonalds sets up in countries with low demand so that they can make less money?

yep, that makes perfect sense.

get my dick out of your mouth.
You sure beef ain't just cheaper in other countries? I don't know what the fuck is going on in our supermarkets but I remember ground beef being cheap as a kid all the poor people ate ground beef now I can buy boneless skinless chicken breast for less than ground beef. Meanwhile it is cheaper to eat at McDonald's than KFC.

Prices are definitely going to go up though they always go up even when minimum wage stays the same first they used oil prices as an excuse now they will use minimum wage. Just construction alone they are going to charge more cause you can't hire someone for $10 an hour like you used to contractors ain't going to just accept a pay cut to help the workers thankfully I can do most construction myself including just enough electrician work to grow more weed. :)
Tired ass cliche is the tiredest of cliches.

Look... Its just Fucking reality.

I've no doubt the minimum will eventually reach 15. Its always going to climb. But to ratchet the minimum up to 15 at a much faster pace than it has been rising will negatively impact many people. The elderly on fixed incomes the worst, and those who are make just above what the new minimum is now. All those people will take a hit to their standard of living.

You can't deny this.

Just like I can't deny that all those making less than the new minimum would get a benefit.

Why 15? How did people settle on that number as a goal?

Who do you think would be better off.. A person working for $12 now, or a person working for minimum wage when it is $15 an hour?

Another thing you fail to consider is that even supposing your argument is true, that all this extra income will boost the economy. Who does that money go to? The rich. The people who own the businesses. Two people at two different companies making the same wage have identical income even when one of the worker's company is making record profits and the other's company is just getting by.

You have a circular argument, sir. And what you think is a great point against me about the people accepting the 18 dollar wage can equally be said about the people working for 7.50 now.
Your tired ass arguments as to why min wage shouldn't be $15 @ he just don't fly. You try living anywhere at $9.00 @ hr in places like NY, Cali or Chicago, maybe where you live it might be decent but not large metropolitan areas.

I applaud all those Goernors, the latest being Brown and Cuomo for making it easier for families to survive and earn a decent wage and once again it's all Democratic States, Republicans in contrast don't give a shit about the working poor.

Minimum wage is what... 7.50 now?
If you raise the minimum to 15, making 18 an hour, would go from almost middle class to the new 10 an hour. Just slightly better than the working poor... Still the working poor just not the poorest of those poor.

Congrats on actually missing the forest for the trees
Oh so now $18.00 @ hr in your book is middle class? Wholly shit!!!

I would hate to work for you.

Minimum wage is what... 7.50 now?
If you raise the minimum to 15, making 18 an hour, would go from almost middle class to the new 10 an hour. Just slightly better than the working poor... Still the working poor just not the poorest of those poor.

Congrats on actually missing the forest for the trees

$18/hr @ 40hrs/wk is roughly $36,000/yr

That is not middle class. Not even close.

Stop talking.
Imagine youre a senior citizen drawing 1500 a month on social security. Minimum wage at 7 50 is about 1100 a month. At 15 minimum wage goes up to about 2200 a month.

What corresponding increas does that sr citizen get?

Surely you dont need anyone to tell you that theyre worse off in the new 15 minimum world.

Say you make 18 an hour now. Minimum goes to 15. You used to be over 2 times the minimum wage. Now you're barely over it.

Again, do you really need a Harvard economist to tell you that this persons situation has been degraded?

Keep in mind I'm not saying we shouldn't raise the Minimum because of this. I'm just pointing out what landmines might need to be cleared first.

Your argument is so fucking lame a 20-45 year olds have families to support and $2200 is hardly getting by after paying rent, child care, electricity, water, food, health care now senior citizens getting $1100 don't have families to support, most are in nursing homes or assisted living homes so rent, food, electricity, health care is provided for them.

My father-in-law who's 93 refused to go to a nursing home after his Wife passed on last year it was difficult to say the least for the kids to look after him, finally my Wife and her 2 sisters convinced him to go to one, he is so happy that he did that he bitches why he didn't do it earlier no worries about rent, electricity, food, health care. His only complaint is that he has a flat screen TV w/remote so we went to a antique store and paid $300 bucks for an old humpback TV with a dial on it to switch channels...$250 with $50 delivery, all he watches is Wheel of fortune (he got the hots for Vannah White what can I say) and horse racing.

No, Phillip Morris added to the cost of cigarettes to pay off lawsuit losses. Phillip Morris added to the cost of cigarettes when an age minimum was legislated. All increases are directly related to action against them, just like raising the worker wages will.

go check the taxes paid on smokes. try some facts for a change, you'll feel like a new man
Completely false. norom.


Most people work part-time because they choose to, not because a bad economy is forcing them to. According to the BLS, 18.9 million workers in August worked part-time for noneconomic reasons (they had to take care of children or other family members, attend school, keep their earnings below certain Social Security limits, and so on). Only 7.8 million workers worked part time for economic reasons (for example, they couldn’t find work or their hours got cut).

that's over 70%.
Your tired ass arguments as to why min wage shouldn't be $15 @ he just don't fly. You try living anywhere at $9.00 @ hr in places like NY, Cali or Chicago, maybe where you live it might be decent but not large metropolitan areas.

I applaud all those Goernors, the latest being Brown and Cuomo for making it easier for families to survive and earn a decent wage and once again it's all Democratic States, Republicans in contrast don't give a shit about the working poor.

Look dude. No where have I said here that we shouldn't raise the minimum wage.

Do you honestly think it's the perfect solution that has no negative effects?

You cant live on 9 an hour anywhere. That's why I finished high school, went to college, and spent my adult life learning how to make more than 9 an hour.

Why 15? What's so special about 15?
Oh so now $18.00 @ hr in your book is middle class? Wholly shit!!!

I would hate to work for you.


I said almost middle class. It's well above the poverty line. Someone making 36k a year, most places in this country, earns enough to save. Having savings has always been the definition of what the middle class was. Earning more than what your immediate needs were.

This savings could be compiled over time for something to generate more income.

Two people working at that have a household income of 72k a year. That is middle class for a family of 4.